Hard To Be …

November 21st, 2007

It’s safe to say that I have made more porn than I have ever watched. I’m more of an erotic literature and photography (and deep, hard fucking) kind of gal than I am the video type. However, this quote caught my eye:

Sometimes - and really most of the time - I’d like to see some porn where he gets hurt and hurt and hurt and then she gets fucked and fucked and fucked.

I tested this out on Sunday with the Artist and I think it is a very good plan. I wrote a lovely entry about it but then my browser crashed. Maybe later.

The best part was when his magnificent shoulders glistened with sweat above me, and I traced a rivulet of it between his shoulderblades to hear him gasp. When I scrubbed the salt-wetness into the cuts I’d left, he hissed and growled and whimpered. But he never stopped fucking me.

He emailed me today to say showering hurt. This almost sent me back to the shower myself. I didn’t tell him I have fingerprint bruises on my thighs (where he pinned my legs back) or on my waist (where he grabbed me up by the hips) or that my neck is stiff, from where he choked me with one hand while he hooked my knee up with the other and pounded into me until I near-sobbed for coming so hard. Sometimes I need a little pain just to feel alive.

If I had realized that sex with submissive men could involve this sort of thing, I would have been on it years ago.

I have bite marks on my thumb and inner arm today, where I shoved them in my mouth to keep from yelling. He didn’t come. Not then, not the next morning, not after breakfast when we fucked again.

I keep waiting for the catch.

10 Responses to “Hard To Be …”

  1. 1 maymay
    November 21st, 2007 at 11:43 am

    It’s this reason exactly that I rail against the monotonous, almost entirely singular representation of submissive men in the scene at large and especially in the pornography arena.

    Not that I am that kind of sex partner at all—I would describe myself as quite different than you would probably describe your Artist—but the point remains that sex and play with submissive men should be seen as being as varied as it is with submissive women and yet for some strange reason, it is not.

    On a friendlier note, I am grinning in vicarious happiness for you (and your Artist). :) Hopefully the only catch is that you sometimes have to do things like work and sleep instead of having incredibly pleasurable sex.

  2. 2 Curvaceous Dee
    November 21st, 2007 at 1:21 pm

    Guh. Hot post - very hot post. I may be submissive myself, but I have absolutely no objection to watching pretty men being submissive as well :)

    xx Dee

  3. 3 Josh Jasper
    November 21st, 2007 at 2:21 pm

    Perhaps Men In Pain would be a good site to work with for making porn like that?

    Sadly, I have seen much more porn than I’ve made. Watching never really got me all that hot, and certainly didn’t pay.

  4. 4 unspeakableaxe
    November 21st, 2007 at 3:51 pm

    If this is the first time you’ve experienced real passion with a submissive male, perhaps you’ve been dealing with the wrong submissive males.

    I totally agree with maymay.

    Some of us may prefer to be controlled, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight against our chains now and then:)

  5. 5 Rebecca
    November 21st, 2007 at 4:24 pm

    ok. hot. definitely hot. lol.

  6. 6 Calico
    November 21st, 2007 at 7:28 pm

    Maymay - That reason exactly? Are you sure? But what about the other 3000 reasons?

    Curvaceous Dee - Totally.

    Josh - If I start doing boy/girl hardcore, it will be for them. :)

    unspeakableaxe - I’ve never dated a man who identified as submissive before. So it’s not that I’ve been dealing with the wrong men, I just haven’t been sleeping with them.

    Still the fighting-against-chains thing is meant to be metaphorical if you ask me. Not throttling me with the two feet of rope I left loose on his hands the other day. Damn feisty bastard.

    Rebecca - Thanks!

  7. 7 Dov
    November 21st, 2007 at 8:29 pm

    I love when people figure things out.

    I hate the stereotypes we get stuck with in the scene of what roles have to be or cant be and well how stilted it all is.
    If you not having fun doing it why do it and i see way to many people doing that, being stuck in the roles rather than being or growing in them or transcending them.

    Just cause someone is submissive doesn’t mean they cant fuck your brains out, hell what good would they be if the couldn’t

    Umm and uuhhh that was so amazingly hot, better than porn!5

  8. 8 maymay
    November 26th, 2007 at 12:38 am

    Maymay - That reason exactly? Are you sure? But what about the other 3000 reasons?

    I think most, if not all, of the other 3000 reasons stem from the uniformity of the representation of men like me. Chop off the head, and the rest of the body will fall. Specifically:

    If I had realized that sex with submissive men could involve this sort of thing, I would have been on it years ago.

    That sex with anyone can involve anything. Though I’ll admit a personal bias for sex with dominant partners, for obvious reasons.

  9. 9 Will
    November 27th, 2007 at 4:29 pm

    For sure, it’s not that you’ve been sleeping with the “wrong men,” you just didn’t realize who the pool of “right” men could include. If you’ve never been with a man who’s identified as submissive before this, I’d assume you had a preference for men who -didn’t- identify as such. Is that the case or am I being presumptuous?

  10. 10 Calico
    November 27th, 2007 at 8:22 pm

    @Will: Yup, I had been dating men who didn’t identify as submissive.

    As may and Dov pointed out, I fall for the stereotypes too. Me, not always the quickest on the uptake.

    I don’t know that dating any particular orientation (or gender) is my calling or anything. But it’s nice to get my dumb assumptions shaken up.

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