Grr. Argh.

September 22nd, 2007

Boyfriend: What are you writing?

Me: Something angry and self-indulgent.

Boy: Why?

Me: Because that’s what I do.  [Sigh.] I feel bad, you know.  I didn’t start blogging to rant and rave or reform anything. I wanted to share charming anecdotes from the sexual underground. I had no idea that I had so much anger.  Where do I get off being angry?

Boy: [pause] Yeah, I don’t know either.

2 Responses to “Grr. Argh.”

  1. 1 maymay
    September 23rd, 2007 at 12:11 am

    I would venture to guess that the anger has something to do with the sexual underground, but then I would sound presumptuous. (That doesn’t really surprise anyone anymore, though.)

  2. 2 Will
    September 23rd, 2007 at 5:46 am

    Well that sounded like a….fulfilling exchange.

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