Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

TES meeting tonight changed

September 10th,

Due to a last minute college class change, I will NOT be teaching at The Eulenspiegel Society tonight. I was hoping to swing it, but… no.
Instead, if I understand correctly, a different (but lovely and talented) red-headed dominatrix will be teaching you about CBT. I encourage you to attend!
I hate to cancel: I’ve […]

Thuggin’ It Up

September 4th,

A client gave me a pair of sap gloves last week.  I might have cooed. If you ever feel insufficiently mighty, try putting eight ounces of steel shot in each hand.
He didn’t realize how appropriate a gift it was: I’ve wanted a pair of them for a while. I get plenty of subservience, […]

So You Wanna Be A Pro-Dom: Part 2

November 14th, 2007

The BDSM world is disgustingly gear-centric. This is one of my pet peeves. I am not a material girl, and I don’t need a lot of Stuff. See also: Manhattan apartment.
I’ve made some concessions for pro-domming, where it can’t be all duct tape and zip ties. But even there, I still […]

Grr. Argh.

September 22nd, 2007

Boyfriend: What are you writing?
Me: Something angry and self-indulgent.
Boy: Why?
Me: Because that’s what I do.  [Sigh.] I feel bad, you know.  I didn’t start blogging to rant and rave or reform anything. I wanted to share charming anecdotes from the sexual underground. I had no idea that I had so much anger.  Where do I […]

I’m only jealous

July 5th, 2007

I think I’m ready to admit that Leather Retreat is over. My shoulders are recovered (my boyfriend’s whips are too heavy for the enthusiasm with which I threw them), and the fresh scars on my back are fading in gloss and color.
Afterwards while everyone complained of “event crash”, I simply couldn’t write. To write I […]

Find Calico

June 16th, 2007

Friday: Cuttings with Susan Brenner at LSM.
Saturday: I’m working during the day, and then attending Leather Pride Night and the after-party at Paddles.
Sunday: GSMSA’s Folsom Street East (28th St, between 10th and 11th Avenues)
Monday: There’s a hypnosis presentation by Hypnodad at Rapture Cafe, 8pm. I’m still curious and I’m going!
Tuesday: I’m on a panel […]

Amateur contest

June 5th, 2007

[Man, I’m too busy to post! I wrote this on Sunday night during a slow hour. Despite all the links, I swear, I am not selling anything.]
I survived my striptease video shoot for Redlight TV on Saturday. While I like to bop around as much as the next girl, being a cute […]

Are Prodommes Really Dominant?

May 24th, 2007

Here’s to prodommes, and their lack of Real And True Dominance.
Maymay got me thinking when I revisited this post of his. You’ve all heard it before: dommes are the real submissives because they do it for money. Dommes are just service tops. Dommes are just whores (well, yes, thanks, I am). […]


May 3rd, 2007

Oh, the danger of webcams. Before I get into the shower today, I snapped a couple pictures of the bruises from California.
No one’s ever left bruises on me from modeling — not even “modeling”. I was thrilled! I love bruises. I get hot over ‘em. Thanks, guys. and the last few days in SF

April 27th, 2007

I am in San Francisco.
I’m here because I’m shooting for I love Kink. I would shoot for them every month if they let me.
Wednesday was a tag-team wrestling match with Claire Adams, Darling, and Ariel X. Was there ever a luckier girl than me? Claire was on my side, thank […]

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