More Maintenance
May 14th,I’ve been (re)reviewed at Jane’s Guide! They say I’m “engaging, interesting, fun - heck, she’s even grammatically correct… a rare gem of a sex blogger”. I can imagine no higher praise.
Also, a few changes around here. I checked my feed reader (what I read on a daily basis) against my blogroll (what I pimp to you guys) and needed to update here:
Debauchette. Jane.
Panther in Pumps. Not your mother’s stripper.
The Courtesan Connection and Bound Not Gagged. Excellent sex-work-as-business blogs.
Unspeakable Axe.
Shameful Secrets: fetish model Nix Nepenthe
Red Spine.
Figleaf’s Real Adult Sex.
May 14th, at 9:31 pm
Aw shucks. Thanks for the link.
The check’s in the mail.
Please wait a few days to cash it though.
May 14th, at 9:38 pm
Thanks for the props, hon.
Your blogs continue to both amaze and inspire me.