June 8th, 2007
So my top for the weekend is off watching Hostel 2, God save me, and I am camping out and recovering here at home base. Never was much for horror movies.
This is shaping up to be a thinky sort of night, and I am sure tomorrow will be no different.
I’m loud and clear about sexual […]
Posted in nerves, young and confused, misandry, feminism, submission (or the lack thereof), masochism, sex work | 10 Comments »
April 11th, 2007
Lesbian coworker: The straight women I know talk about the men in their lives with resentment. It’s as if they pity them. Why would you want to live like that?
I do not mean to equate “gay and lesbian” with “enlightened”, because that is both stereotypical and false. But those who fall outside […]
Posted in Uncategorized, lgbt, misandry, the double standard, misogyny, feminism, pro domination | No Comments »