Back to School
September 4th, 2007As if I weren’t a cliche before (young, thin, white upper-middle-class girl tries sex work) I am officially a college co-ed.
Let the Google hits roll in, baby. If only they made me money; I just spent $150 on a textbook. And that’s peanuts to tuition. I forsee many long nights at the dungeon, writing my essays.
By the way, I tracked down my whip! I left it at a lover’s party when I went to the Fetish Fair Fleamarket in Boston, a couple of weeks ago. It’s oddly comforting to me to imagine it coiled in its padded envelope, wending its way home.
September 5th, 2007 at 1:30 am
If you are going to NYU?
There is this English lecturer; Dustin Griffin, he is a “cool dude” and can teach you to write most excellently.
However if you are going to Columbia?
Thats great too! because it is a Goddess school.
September 5th, 2007 at 3:47 am
Have fun with school!
Its all good - I have to bring ‘The Illiad’ to Camp. The things we do for higher education.
I think I managed to spend under 250 for text books this year, huzzah! Its those science books that will get you. In mortuary school, I regularly paid almost 400 a semester for books.
September 5th, 2007 at 8:33 am
What I wouldn’t give to sometimes be a little more cliché and to other times be a little less….
September 5th, 2007 at 2:44 pm
I know the pain of prices all too well.
I once pain 350 for a single organic chemistry textbook!
And med school review books, don’t even get me started!
Money aside… yay for school!
September 5th, 2007 at 3:10 pm
School is good. You will meet a lot of very interesting people there…and maybe torture a few of them. Do it right, and they can be a big help with the homework.
Glad to hear the whip is on its way home. Funny what we end up cherishing.
September 6th, 2007 at 5:27 pm
I hope you have time to train with that grappling club there, all part of a well rounded education. I’d like a rematch sometime when you feel comfortable letting me use at least one hand.
September 7th, 2007 at 8:50 am
Yeah, I am going to try to make it next Wednesday. I hope to get a couple of classes in before I have to go back to San Francisco and get my ass kicked at wrestling again.
September 8th, 2007 at 9:59 pm
Okay im way behind in my blog reading, Yayayayayayayayaaaaa to whip findage and recovery