Day Two

September 27th, 2007

Very early yesterday morning, I flew Virgin America to San Francisco.  There were no free snacks, unlike JetBlue, but the flight attendant slipped me the diminutive parfait from his meal.  Whyever did he do that?  I chalked it off to waking up as Calico.  Calico probably seduces flight attendants in her sleep.

I did two wrestling shoots that day.  I thought I might die of so much exercise, but instead the other girl got injured.  I felt horrible and vowed to go back to jujitsu so as not to damage anyone else.  It’s serious stuff!  I also tore a nail, got a bloody nose, bloodied my lip, and popped out two earrings.  She never came back to the apartment last night, so I hope she was well enough to get back on the plane.

Today, an easier shoot; tomorrow, my boyfriend arrives in San Jose to teach (and give the keynote speech!) at smOdyssey, aka the Folsom Fringe Festival.  He’s faaaamous. :)

6 Responses to “Day Two”

  1. 1 Boston Boy
    September 27th, 2007 at 12:19 pm

    There’s nothing more dangerous than a bjj newbie unleashed on the world. How’d you hurt her?

  2. 2 Calico
    September 27th, 2007 at 7:17 pm

    We aren’t doing jujitsu, though! It’s just like a high school wrestling match. A naked high school wrestling match.

    We were face to face with me on bottom, grabbing at each others’ arms, and I had my legs around her waist. When I squeezed and tried to roll her over, she pulled a muscle in her side.

    She’s fine and caught her flight that night.

  3. 3 Boston Boy
    September 27th, 2007 at 7:50 pm

    A pulled muscle is less interesting than what I’d imagined, but I suppose that’s better for the other girl. Ah, that reminds me of my own highschool wrestling. When you’re given a WAY too small singlet like I was, it was pretty close to being naked.

  4. 4 nigel
    September 28th, 2007 at 5:59 pm

    Wow !
    What an exciting life.
    But doesn’t Ju Jutsu hurt too
    or is it safer for grappling?

  5. 5 Calico
    September 28th, 2007 at 10:58 pm

    I wouldn’t know.

    Jujitsu has a lot of joint locks and strikes. At least that’s my limited understanding. Wrestling (at least the sort I do for, which is very sexually focused and is all about holds in which one can do compromising things to one’s parter) is much less dangerous, methinks. You’d be better off asking someone who actually knows their stuff.

  6. 6 Boston Boy
    September 29th, 2007 at 7:17 am

    Jujitsu has a lot of joint locks and strikes, and focuses on self defense scenarios when both people are standing, and is very formal and stuffy. It tends to be trained in a fairly static manner, with very little “alive” training where both people are trying hard to win the match. Fortunately I don’t do that, and neither does Calico.

    Jiu Jitsu (as in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) in its pure form is just grappling (with no strikes), where instead of trying to pin the person you look to achieve dominant positions and then submit the other guy with a choke or joint lock. Most of the action takes place with both people on the ground. It tends to be trained in a very alive manner, much more like a wrestling practice than what most people would think of as martial arts. Though it doesn’t inherently have striking, the positional strategy revolves around getting into positions where you can basically hit the person unopposed if you want to.

    I wouldn’t say that bjj has a higher injury rate than more standard wrestling, though I suspect both standard wrestling and bjj have a higher injury rate than sexy naked wrestling.

    Though sometimes things do go wrong:

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