Playdate nerves

May 2nd, 2007

Here the euphemistic lexicon is at its worst. Tomorrow I expect to have coffee and then get the crap beaten out of me. This, I can only call a playdate. I vacillate between finding the term annoyingly twee, and delighting in the irony of it.

Rob is one of the few people I play with privately and don’t fuck. We have such good play that I am disinclined to even consider it. After all, what if we had sex and it was bad? That might ruin it for me.

When I bother to play, I’m usually out for something more exotic than spanking. Blood, sobbing, annihiliation of consciousness, things like that. Rob is good for that stuff.

4 Responses to “Playdate nerves”

  1. 1 Casey
    May 9th, 2007 at 10:11 am

    I like that phrase, “annihilation of consciousness.” It strikes a chord for me.

  2. 2 Maxim
    May 10th, 2007 at 3:50 am

    Oh, god, yes - what Casey said. Is it all right if I use that one on my sub next time I see her? It should create just the right kind of shiver.

  3. 3 Calico
    May 12th, 2007 at 9:24 pm

    It’s all yours, Maxim.

  4. 4 HellSea
    May 21st, 2007 at 7:20 am

    I like “annihilation of consciousness”, too. I’ve seen someone call it a shamanic out of of body experience, which strikes me as an attempt to describe the same thing.

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