Piercing for Fun and Fashion

March 1st,

This is me entirely spoiled. All dress-up occasions should be such fun!

My friend Rob needed a garment that could be pierced on for a demo, so I sewed one for the occasion. He laced me into it with the help of a few 18g needles. All pictures by Dov.


There are no good front shots of the corset, but it works as an actual garment, so I’m sure there will be a photo at some point.


Surgical staples. They barely pinch, but the stapling noise is something else.


They make for surprisingly effective bondage. Turns out, knowing that you can easily and near-painlessly rip out your staples is not the same as doing it.


A-ha! They untied my arms. Here’s me unhooking myself.


The corset’s making a break for it in this photo, but I include it so you can see my Rocky Horror-esque hotpants. Also, the burn on my ass. My advice to sewers: even if you lack a table and ironing board, do not crawl around on the floor sewing while your iron is on.


Aww, pretty.


As you can see, I’m terribly distressed.

This entry brought to you by Paddles, Conversio Virium, and TES-TNG, who helped put together a fabulous piercing class and play party last night!

8 Responses to “Piercing for Fun and Fashion”

  1. 1 axe
    March 1st, at 7:05 pm

    Yikes! Ok, I’m both jealous and distressed at the same time!

    Though seeing you clearly enjoy it makes it easier.

  2. 2 Curvaceous Dee
    March 1st, at 8:00 pm

    *whimpers* Just gorgeous!

    xx Dee

  3. 3 Dov
    March 1st, at 9:50 pm

    WAs fun to watch and shoot I have sooo many ideas now for how to make sure someone cant move.

  4. 4 caylie
    March 1st, at 9:54 pm

    Very beautiful pictures of a very beautiful model taken by a wonderful photographer! Great job on these!

  5. 5 Rebecca
    March 2nd, at 3:02 pm

    I wish I could have been there, but Kaplan got in the way :(

  6. 6 Mark
    March 2nd, at 5:30 pm

    Great pictures! I wish I could have made it to the demo/party.

  7. 7 Colin
    March 2nd, at 7:41 pm

    Wish I coulda gone at your boots. Another time, perhaps.

    Fantastic demo–a lotta guts wrapped up in golden underroos.

  8. 8 Nix
    March 4th, at 2:38 pm

    So much would rather have been there than tech..
    Pretty pictures.

    I too have burned myself crawling around on the floor with a hot iron nearby… I somehow always get the side of my calf. Ouch!

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