Sleeping Beauty
March 5th,I’m a stubborn sleeper. I do not like being awakened for sex. My mandate is to return to sleep as expeditiously as possible.
One ex and I coined a rule for night-time sex: if he could make me do it, he was welcome to it. Often I’d wake to his hand between my legs. Shrimp-curled and antipathetic, I’d swat him away. Stop it! I’d mumble. I’m sleeping. No, get off, you fucking pig.
The man outweighed me by a good sixty pounds, not counting the heft of his nocturnal determination. Inevitably he’d pick me up by a limb and wedge my thighs apart. If I punched him, and I usually did, he’d pin my wrists with one palm.
I loved it… at least, after the fact. It was just enough ill-use to double the pleasure of wakefulness, when I’d dig my heels into his sides and offer affirmation and prayer to anyone in earshot. Sleep-sex made a perfect playground for my rape/resistance fantasy. I really didn’t want it before I woke up, but once I did, I was vocally grateful.
It’s not the only situation I can think of where committing the wrong makes it right. The trouble, of course, is knowing which.
March 5th, at 9:32 pm
March 5th, at 9:55 pm
That would be an interesting game for me to try with my girlfriend, except for the part about me not being able to make her, and the high chance of my getting hurt. It sounds fun the way you describe it though.
March 5th, at 10:06 pm
I can see that as an undue hazard to life and limb, in your case. Can you tie her up in her sleep?
March 5th, at 10:15 pm
She’s better than me at fighting off people while tied up, I’d say my chances would be pretty slim. And I’d be scared about what would happen when I next fell asleep.
March 6th, at 2:04 am
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to find my hand down my boxers. I feel so violated when I do that to myself.
March 6th, at 4:06 am
And to think, the times you know about are just the ones you woke up during.
God knows the concent-play issues wrapped up in the ones you stayed on the far side of wakeful consciousness for.
March 7th, at 11:37 am
i can’t stand being disturbed when i’m asleep like at all. so much so that that kind of behaviour would be dumping behaviour for me. seriously.
i can see how that would be a major turn on for others but i like sleep the way nymphos like orgies…
March 7th, at 12:36 pm
ohhh, yum.