PurrVersatility and Tact

March 28th,

Lovers of smart sex-work talk should check out Kitty, a formerly-SF-now-UK sex worker. Her baby blog PurrVersatility has two fabulous posts recently, one on forced feminization and one on threesomes. Too many people bog down in jokes and ostentatiously sexy bits; I’m liking her clear, light and incisive prose. Add her to your feed reader.

Today’s question: Does knowing who’s reading change the appropriateness of what I write? I’m not a “male apologist” any more than I’m an “angry feminist”, but I’m not here to be nasty to anyone.

If you are or might be a client: please understand that my frustrations are not personal. Let the more caustic bits here be tempered by the humor and good will with which I intend them.

Those of you who’ve found me through here have surprised and delighted me. I never expected to meet clients through blogging. Sessions with you have been some of my favorites. You restore my faith in this job, and for that, thank you.

2 Responses to “PurrVersatility and Tact”

  1. 1 Patrick
    March 31st, at 10:38 am

    Kitty was the one who brought me into bdsm, back when she had a most excellent bottom side. In retrospect, she makes a far better Domme.

  2. 2 Mark
    April 5th, at 5:50 am

    As someone who isn’t currently a client of yours, but who might be in the future, let me say that nothing you’ve written has put me off seeing you. Actually, quite the opposite, I’ve been intrigued by a great deal of what you’ve written and that only makes me more likely to book a session with you when I am in the market for one.

    I have been posting and reading a D/s message board for 8-9 years and there have been several instances when I’ve become interested in a dominatrix because of what she has written; one time this lead to me discovering a really terrific domme (who worked for a while at the HC) with whom I sessioned for a couple of years.

    I am curious how you feel about people who’ve read your blog coming to see you for sessions. I wasn’t really sure if I would mention it or not, as I didn’t want to make you uncomforatable and wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it.

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