And Now in Black!
June 3rd,A silicone Hitachi cover — in black!
To think that beforehand, we were limited to covering the heads with layers of black condoms, and wrapping the body with electrical tape. Porn may never be the same. I’m taking bets on how long these take to show up on bondage sites.
Silicone transmits vibrations extremely well, so while I hope that this might dull the sensation to a bearable level for me, I’m sure the makers counted on the opposite.
I have held off on buying a Hitachi because my toy-buying is first and foremost selfish. However, it does have the same forced-orgasm uses for men… hmmmm.
Dov told me that he’s hooked his up to a $10 hardware-store dimmer switch. How brilliant is that? He was inspired, so I hear, by Switch and Boy — whose more expensive industrial rheostat I first heard about from Eileen and May.
Goes to show, talk about your sex life and it gets around.
A couple minutes ago I was browsing someone else’s blog, and was surprised to see my (personal) sex life discussed. Not by name, since she’s a classy dame, but by anecdote in the “how stupid” sort of way.
I think it was a good reminder for me to be accountable. People will talk, and if you live honestly and actively, you can be happy to let them. Sometimes that’s easier than others.
Sorry to be cryptic, but that’s all I’ve got for today.
June 3rd, at 11:35 am
LOL. A dimmer switch… how inventive!!
I bought a similar, rechargable, slightly less vigerous (thank the gods) version from Brookstone.
I’d give it less than a week before they start showing up in clips.
June 3rd, at 5:13 pm
Must remember to ask Dov what his setup is - that variac is all that stands between me and a damn good time.
June 3rd, at 6:08 pm
I’m thinking something like this plug-in dimmer.
You could even have a remote control dimmer!
June 3rd, at 6:41 pm
A vibe that works on guys too? I gotta google this thing.
June 3rd, at 7:19 pm
Switch and Boy didn’t buy a rheostat, but found it in a hallway after it had been thrown out by some professor. They just had to open it up and reattach some wires that had been knocked loose.
Yet somehow I never thought a simple hardware store dimmer switch would work. Silly me.
June 3rd, at 8:44 pm
Your dimmer switch comment somehow lead me to thinking about the use of timers re: their potential for use when hooked up to a vibe in the setting of bondage. Particularly semi-longterm bondage (like overnight). LOL
June 4th, at 2:33 am
Timers and bondage should go together famously. I use a timer when i’m tying myself up, it turns a light on that lets me get out.
I can’t see there being any major troubles using a timer for a vibrator when tied up. The only minor niggles are that i’d stay away from the wall-mart $5 ones, because a vibrator’s a motor, and motors can suck some pretty high current down when they start. If you’ve got an el-cheapo timer giving it the juice it needs, and it draws more than the timer can handle, you could end up in any strife from it not turning back off, to it starting then stopping, to it catching on fire. If i were going to do it, i’d get a good, digital timer, and make sure that it’s rated for a good number of amps.
Sorry. This is starting to sound like an electricity 101 class.
If you’ve got an electrician mate, you might even be able to sort something out that uses two timers and two dimmers, both on a different setting, so the vibe will be either off, or on one of two dimmer settings. Or, if you’re going that far, get a third, so it’s full, high, or low.
Makes me want to experiment now… but i’d need to get one of these hitachi things.
June 4th, at 4:08 am
Actually, on that note, Calico. I’m not sure how much that remote control dimmer would like a magic wand. If you’re going to go that route, make sure the power of the device (vibe etc), which is in watts (W), is less than the max. load of the timer/dimmer/whatever.
Sorry, this might be me telling you something you already know, but i’d hate to hear that you’d died in a housefire because of something like this going wrong.
June 4th, at 4:46 am
I’m surprised why this isn’t more common knowledge. But then again….
June 5th, at 11:27 am
Rhys, thanks so much for the feedback! No one likes electrical fires…
Self bondage is a really underserved topic. I think way more people do it than talk about it.
June 5th, at 11:30 am
@maymay and axe: Most people don’t realize vibrators are pleasurable to body parts other than clits, or to people who don’t possess them.
I <3 Hitachis for just that reason. They reliably produce quick hands-free orgasms in men AND women. I don’t know any other way to do it so fast and efficiently.
June 5th, at 9:41 pm
I’ve never had an orgasm from a Hitachi. However, I have an opportunity this weekend, so we’ll see….
June 8th, at 9:26 pm
June 8th, at 9:27 pm
Ummm. I wrote a huge comment. why did only “I” come out? Goddamnit .
June 8th, at 9:27 pm
I luuurve my hitachi.
It was the only reason I was able to have orgasms for the two or three weeks or so that my prince albert took to heal.
One lady I like to play with as a sub absolutely adores it, she gets theis faraway look in her eyes and orgasms in about two minutes. This is a lady that warned me before I strated that she rarely comes with another person.
I also found out this weekend that i am able to tie my hitachi securely to another ladies clit so that no amount of squirming could get it loose. I’m still grinning from that.
June 11th, at 4:48 pm
Our sex life does, apparently, get around. Or talk of it, at least. The dimmer switch you posted is very much like the one I’ve recommended for friends - cheap and with a 6′ long cord. You’d have to wire up the remote control one, though. And as to safety concerns, the Hitachi only draws 20 watts - a third the power of your average light bulb - so no house fires! The Variac still has finer control steps, but I would never spend the money to buy one. Here’s to university labs and all the free stuff they’ve given me! The kind of life-transparency you’re talking about is hard, especially but by no means exclusively in kink - good luck.
June 11th, at 7:08 pm
@ The Boy: Thanks so much!