
June 6th, 2007

So I’m at Long Beach, CA, kicking back with the free wireless during my hour layover.

I was a little grumpy yesterday that my nifty new bag made black marks on my white MacBook. But I couldn’t keep it up.

First, there were three girls staying with me in the model apartment. Hallelujiah! If there is anything lonelier than shooting porn on the other side of the country, it is staying alone in a no-guests-allowed apartment the size of an airport hangar. And these were no regular girls: they were the breed whose breasts defy gravity, who seem to wear full makeup to sleep, who prance around the apartment naked. I marveled at them. Oh, porn stars, I love you.

Let me present a brief snip of dialogue while we were waiting for our airport shuttle:

Girl 1: Wanna know something weird? If all you have is saltwater, and you’re dehydrated — I mean, dying of thirst — you can put the saltwater up your ass.

(We look at her)

Girl 1: I mean, you can absorb the water through your ass, but not the salt.
Girl 2: Makes sense. Whenever I’m hungover and have to take an enema, it helps the hangover.
Me: If you were stuck on a deserted island, dying of thirst, would you really have enema equipment with you?
Girl 1: Oh, man, I could do it. I am the MacGuyver of enemas!

Wenona, my wrestling partner for Wednesday, was far cuter in person. Both my knees feel a little funny now, but nothing that a drink on the plane can’t fix. Again, not grumpy.

I’m in a much better mood than I had expected to be, facing my second red-eye in a row.

It’s nice to be away from work.

One Response to “Layover”

  1. 1 Pat
    June 7th, 2007 at 10:09 am

    “I am the MacGuyver of enemas!”

    Yeah, when I read that my knees started feeling weak, too. Aside from the kinky lasciviousness behind that one line, how can you not love the endearing geekiness (between that and the saltwater comment). I mean, if you’re going to be geeky about something …

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