No, Mom, What Piercing?

August 2nd, 2007

I got my septum pierced today on a whim.  The needle barely pinched, but I got scared and grabbed the poor piercer by his shirt anyway.

My bravery astounds me sometimes.

The retainer I bought seems to hang straight.  Cross your fingers for me? Now, if no one hits me in the nose for a couple months, I’ll be able to wear actual jewelry from time to time.

Septum piercings disappear completely when the retainer is worn up, so I won’t be the punk rock dominatrix.

The piercer wiped my nose out with surgical soap.  At least I think that’s what it is.  It’s that translucent, thick, yellowish-white stuff in the plastic bottle … Technicare, maybe?  I’m lucky to have been spared associations with the stuff in its natural habitat.  It reminds me of nothing but play parties.

Everything has smelled vaguely like it since, and it’s really distracting.

9 Responses to “No, Mom, What Piercing?”

  1. 1 Eileen
    August 2nd, 2007 at 5:59 pm

    Hurray for spontaneous body modification :).

    I actually quite like how Technicare smells. It also reminds of play parties, and blood.

  2. 2 Calico
    August 2nd, 2007 at 6:19 pm

    All of mine have been “spontaneous” things I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I get enough to nerve to hand over the money, and then I have to go through with it.

    My method cuts down on regrets but man, I’ll be 80 by the time I get genital piercings.

  3. 3 Eileen
    August 3rd, 2007 at 7:40 am

    Which might be good anyway, because once you get them you’ll have to give up sex for several months. I mean, how much sex will you be having at 80?

    Wait, no. Don’t answer that.

  4. 4 Becca
    August 3rd, 2007 at 6:58 pm

    Actually, the genitals heal at a much faster rate (they’re designed that way), so it’s only a week or two really with no sex.

  5. 5 Becca
    August 3rd, 2007 at 7:00 pm

    Oh, and I’d also say my hood piercing was about 4 times less painful than my nose piercing…and the pain lasted for much less time as well (a few hours for my nose as opposed to a few seconds for my hood).

  6. 6 Calico
    August 3rd, 2007 at 9:31 pm

    No one really abstains from sex after genital piercings. They just get really, really careful. :)

    I hear hood piercings heal in a couple of weeks, but of course I want the complicated ones.

  7. 7 Casey
    August 4th, 2007 at 8:09 am

    When I had my septum pierced, it made my eyes water like crazy. It was kind of funny. Most of my piercings have been pretty spontaneous, too. What kind of retainer did you get? I’ve tried several; the ones that flare outward a little at the ends aren’t comfortable for me. The one I’ve been using is a perfect U-shape.

    Hope you enjoy it. :) I don’t wear jewelry in mine very often–I just like knowing it’s there, like a little secret that I keep. I play with it a lot when I’m alone. It healed faster than any other piercing I’ve had… three weeks and it was done. I was amazed.

  8. 8 Calico
    August 4th, 2007 at 10:22 am

    I just hope I don’t get a habit of playing with it in public. :) That would be worse than the people who run their tongue piercings over their teeth. They look like cows chewing their cud.

  9. 9 Tom Allen
    August 5th, 2007 at 7:35 pm

    Spontaneous? I thought about getting my frenum done for over a year before I actually worked up the nerve to do it. And yeesh, while nobody really abstains after a genital piercing, I was pretty damn sore for a while, and it really didn’t heal for months. It was one of the first posts that I made on my blog, in fact, just about a year ago. After that, I could probably have pretty much anything else done :-\

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