He’s got a new whip, he says. Second time using it, he says.
My sympathy for his nerves is limited. Being hit feels new every time.
His aim is impeccable, but I’m trying hard to let him hit me at all. When I drive, I’m the girl in the passenger seat who can’t help but check both ways before the driver turns. I don’t think I’m giving him shit but he gags me anyway. S’pose privilege means not needing an excuse.
The rubber tastes chemical, and a river of drool flows: down my neck, down my chest, soaking the towel on the bench. The last time this happened it was September and it was for money. My blush doesn’t subside until he unbuckles it and I wipe the saliva from my chin.
“You can hit me more,” I say hopefully, “if you want.”
He has the good grace not to roll his eyes. When he picks the whip back up and lays into my back, it’s more of a rip than a bite. I squeal and grab on to the bench to keep from falling.
“Pretty boy’s got a vicious streak!”
“Secretly,” he says, “I’m a sadist.” Crack! “And secretly“ — crack! — “you like it.“
He’s hitting me harder, and I can’t help but cry out.
“Yeah?” Maybe he thinks it was a sound of pleasure — he strikes me again, just as hard, another and another on the heels of the last. It is not what I would have asked for, but it’s what I need. This moment is what I live for: when I forget to breathe, when the white-hot hurt is like the static edging my vision when I come, when pain etches itself into my limbic system and calls itself pleasure.
His hands touch my back, bringing me to. I’ve fallen forward onto the bench and find myself clutching it as if I expect it to move. Slowly, I climb off. The muscles in my legs jump; even my teeth are chattering. “I’m shaking,” I marvel. Then when he asks, “You should take me back to your room and hurt me and fuck me.” He has the good grace not to make me beg.
The hotel bed’s sheets are whiter than white, and there’s a handful of clothespins on them. He clamps a few clothespins on my breasts, my nipples behind the rings, but I can barely feel them after the beating. The idea distresses me much more than the sensation. He straddles my chest, and I open my mouth and try to catch the head of his cock between my lips. He thrusts his hips, gently, letting the underside of his cock glide along the flat of my tongue, across my eager mouth.
“You don’t take it in your mouth until I tell you,” he says.
The frustration doesn’t help my shaking. I turn my cheek to his muscular thigh and think of the times I’ve held down a lover’s hands to tease him this way. Payback’s a bitch.
The damn clothespins are in the way of his thighs. He pulls them off. It startles me, but again it really doesn’t hurt. I want him to cover my breasts with them, feel them click together as I crawl to him and take his cock deep into my throat. Of course, I don’t have the presence of mind to say so. I can’t even sit up. Maybe this is how to learn humility — finding yourself stupid and weak and bereft of words. If I could suck his cock I’d study for that class.
He kisses me hard. “Good girl,” he says when I come the first time. Something in my chest knots to hear him say it, then again when I get caught looking at his eyes — green, with a smudge of eyeliner. Submission ain’t coming easy. I’m rusty and rebellious. How fucking dare you? I think. God, I barely know you.
How dare you make me like it?