
January 29th,

Since I couldn’t sleep last night, I got some things fixed around here.  Most notable is probably the header.

You’ll notice “where to find me” and “where to see me” on the sidebar; tags and archives have been tidied for easier access; and my sidebar’s been reorganized in a more logical fashion.

Everything is subject to change in the next few days, so please pardon the mess.  I am neither a coder nor a graphic designer, so I’ll happily take your suggestions and constructive criticism, whether in comments or by email: blognextdoor (at) gmail (dot) com.

6 Responses to “Maintenance”

  1. 1 Patrick
    January 29th, at 3:23 pm

    Great new look. I’ll have to ask your advice when I set up my blog.

  2. 2 Dov
    January 29th, at 3:58 pm

    Nice I like it spare the way it is nice and easy to read

  3. 3 Mark
    January 29th, at 6:21 pm

    Love it.

  4. 4 Casey
    January 29th, at 6:58 pm

    Hey, neat. I notice that the “Sex for fun and profit” in the header is a little hard to read, but overall it looks nice, and the new sidebar stuff is a great idea.

  5. 5 Rebecca
    January 30th, at 8:45 pm

    Where’d the banner go?

  6. 6 hilz
    February 1st, at 4:56 pm

    Looks great Calico!

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