Black Rose Review

December 4th, 2007

I haven’t been able to stop talking about one of CM Hurt’s presentations. I only knew it was entitled Nurse Nasty, so assumed it was medical somehow. But I did remember seeing her name years ago on BMEzine (what better recommendation?) so I dropped in.

Holy. Shit.

I’ve been having trouble explaining what about it struck me so. I’m not into nurse roleplay, I don’t fetishize medicine, and I’m a relative wimp with needles. But that class shattered the ceiling for brutal and creative sadism. Just watching I hyperventilated and had to sit down.

More on that later — though you can all rest easy knowing I won’t be putting needles through testicles any time soon.

A lot of my friends hooked up. I was gleeful. I love seeing connections happen.

All too soon we had to leave, and so we drove the five hours home in the rain. That was actually one of my favorite parts of the weekend: having that mellow time to talk about the weekend, and flirt purely for the sake of staying awake.

I got back to this, which was nice, and an email titled “I can has handz tied?” containing naked bondage photos, which was nice too.

I spent today sleeping late and studying, coming out only for CV. I’ve seen Blaise speak before, but tonight he was pure brilliance handling the touchy topic of substances and BDSM. Some would tell me that entire class could be summed up by “Don’t”. They would miss an excellent discussion on mental states (not just the drug-induced), trauma reactions, oft-abused pseudo-medical vocabulary, and personal responsibility.

Black Rose was lovely. But coming back to New York always makes me realize how much I have come to feel like this is home.

8 Responses to “Black Rose Review”

  1. 1 Lolita
    December 4th, 2007 at 5:36 am

    Welcome home!

    And I just love Cynthia’s laugh when she is doing those nasty things!

  2. 2 Boston Boy
    December 4th, 2007 at 11:03 am

    I would have liked to have heard Blaise speak about mental states. I bet that was quite interesting. And needles where?! Yikes.

  3. 3 Victor Alcazar
    December 4th, 2007 at 4:50 pm

    Welcome back. I’m glad the trip back wasn’t too horrible due to the weather.

    Some would tell me that entire class could be summed up by “Don’t”. They would miss an excellent discussion on mental states (not just the drug-induced), trauma reactions, oft-abused pseudo-medical vocabulary, and personal responsibility.

    That sounds amazing. Mind you, knowing my obsession about consent, that should surprise you very little. (Yes, I did promise a new name and an eventual blog. This is step one.)

  4. 4 Rebecca
    December 4th, 2007 at 7:00 pm

    Sounds like you had a good time. Yay! Welcome back to NY. I guess you missed the first snowfall, huh?

  5. 5 Calico
    December 5th, 2007 at 7:17 am

    Lolita - Thanks!

    Boston Boy - It was worse than you probably think. :)

    Victor - I am going to call you Victor all the time now, you realize.

    Rebecca - I did miss the snow, but I’m sure there will be more…

  6. 6 axe
    December 5th, 2007 at 9:27 am

    Damn that sounds hot. Serves me right for going to mostly the “emotional” classes like “service”.

    I almost went to the CBT class though learned last minute that it was a hands-on class. Hehe

    Glad you had fun

  7. 7 Casey
    December 5th, 2007 at 6:03 pm

    Darn, I’m sorry I missed it. I wanted to go, but just couldn’t swing it this year. Are you going to say more about that class? I hope? *grin*

  8. 8 Dr.Pleasure
    December 12th, 2007 at 10:44 am

    Drug and BDSM is always an interesting discussion. In the past, I was always against it. Never mixing the two despite the fact that I’m comfortable with both drugs and BDSM.

    However, in more recent times, I’ve been more open to it. BDSM is a trip. Doing a scene is like being in an altered state of consciousness, at least for me. It’s the same way for drugs too. The problem with drugs arises when you let the drugs control you. But, that can be said for almost anything. Food, sex, BDSM, gambling, etc… whenever you don’t have control over these things, it becomes dangerous.

    I think the key is understanding your limits and the effects certain drugs have on you. I myself would rather not top using any form of drug because there is an element of control that needs to be present and drugs definitely lessen the ability to maintain control. But, on the bottom, I think careful use of certain drugs can certainly enhance a session. Some of the best moments for me involved BDSM and nitrates, and BDSM and MDMA. But, I would not recommend that for everyone.

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