Archive for the 'travel' Category

Keep Your Book Deal

June 11th,

The first thing I do is shave his head.
He sits upright in the folding chair as I run the clippers over his head. Hair falls to the ground, bringing the fur on his chest and thighs into sharp focus. He wears nothing but white briefs, black kneepads, and black leather boots. […]

Travels Of All Sorts

June 7th,

Thanks to Always Aroused Girl, I’ve been Fleshbotted again! For your pleasure and perusal, here are all of Fleshbot’s favorites:
6/3/2008 The Luckiest Girl: I’m on the bottom.
12/18/2007 Feedback: I’m on top.
7/20/2007 You’re Eighteen…: I’m angsty!
5/29/2007 Are Pro-Dommes…: I’m defensive!
If you’d rather find me in the flesh, here’s my current summer schedule:
June 11-14th: I shoot […]

Pretty, Pretty Porn

March 9th,

I’m chatting with folks in San Francisco about another trip in April. While I wait impatiently for them to get back to the office on Monday, I’m wondering to myself: which sites would I like to shoot again?
It’s probably a bad idea to change my limits in order to shoot for The Training of […]

Arisia, part 1

January 22nd,

I spent bits of last weekend at a sex party. I also spent bits of it at Arisia seeing friends. This would’ve been enough of a stretch, but then I spent other bits of it in the hospital seeing a terminally ill relative. My general sense of the weekend was one of […]

Black Rose Review

December 4th, 2007

I haven’t been able to stop talking about one of CM Hurt’s presentations. I only knew it was entitled Nurse Nasty, so assumed it was medical somehow. But I did remember seeing her name years ago on BMEzine (what better recommendation?) so I dropped in.
Holy. Shit.
I’ve been having trouble explaining what about it […]

The Internet Is For (Sharing) Porn

November 28th, 2007

Today I got into the pictures I did for in September. As I have no pay site, I’m going to post a bunch of my favorites for free, because I love you! I’m not an affiliate; I don’t get any more money. But you’re welcome to talk me up on their […]

A Quick Picture

October 26th, 2007

Here’s a picture from me last weekend in Boston.

Tying myself up. Courtesy
While there is much about self-bondage on the Internets, I thought to read none of it. Clearly if one can tie up other people, tying oneself up must be easy! Ha. Ahahaha. No.
On an unrelated note, I have […]

Day Two

September 27th, 2007

Very early yesterday morning, I flew Virgin America to San Francisco. There were no free snacks, unlike JetBlue, but the flight attendant slipped me the diminutive parfait from his meal. Whyever did he do that? I chalked it off to waking up as Calico. Calico probably seduces flight attendants in her […]


June 6th, 2007

So I’m at Long Beach, CA, kicking back with the free wireless during my hour layover.
I was a little grumpy yesterday that my nifty new bag made black marks on my white MacBook. But I couldn’t keep it up.
First, there were three girls staying with me in the model apartment. Hallelujiah! If […]

Forever 21

May 1st, 2007

The apartment where I’m staying has two banks of windows overlooking the plaza. In the morning the sunlight streams in with a glorious vengeance. Bolstered by the three-hour time difference, my memories of California all include these solitary, sun-streaked mornings idling away the time before shoots.
The building’s elevator began listing its floors at […]

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