Archive for the 'medical fetish' Category

Porn FAQs: 4 (Enemas & Anal Sex)

August 20th,

This is more of an Enemas 101 than a proper porn question. The question “How do you prep for anal sex in porn?” gets a one-word answer: “Enema”. I have heard about girls fasting, ostensibly to delay the natural progression of things, but (she says over her chicken and mushroom couscous) I can’t […]

Masochism vs. Self Injury

August 8th,

I had an excellent reader question: if or how masochism and self-injury are related. These two are often compared, and often to my annoyance. We all know Maggie Gyllenhaal’s character in “Secretary”, a self-injurer who cuts her thighs until she finds BDSM and James Spader.
“It’s like whiskey and bourbon,” my sister said when […]

What I Should’ve Gotten For Christmas

January 6th,

When I realized the webcomic A Softer World has t-shirts, I began to hyperventilate:

Black Rose Review

December 4th, 2007

I haven’t been able to stop talking about one of CM Hurt’s presentations. I only knew it was entitled Nurse Nasty, so assumed it was medical somehow. But I did remember seeing her name years ago on BMEzine (what better recommendation?) so I dropped in.
Holy. Shit.
I’ve been having trouble explaining what about it […]

More To The Point

November 2nd, 2007

Piercing photos: beautiful, or gruesome?
You’d think editing would be quick, since my editing abilities are limited to “crop” and “save”. But I kept wanting to enlarge until I could see the inside of the hollow needles. Nah, I can’t show that, it’s really kind of disgusting. Wait, I can’t stop looking at […]

Getting anal

April 4th, 2007

If you want to be fucked in the ass, say so.
I’ve gotten a lot of requests recently for “medical” sessions. The dungeon does not have a dedicated medical room; we have no autoclave and nothing, save the sounds, that we might put in it. Enemas come in little bottles labeled “Fleet”. The […]