Archive for the '(il)legalities' Category

What To Do Now

April 30th,

Miss Victoria X, who I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, posted a pretty comprehensive rundown of relevant case law. There’s also some vigorous case law research happening in the comments to my last post.
Playing armchair lawyer is all well and good, but in my understanding, it’s a moot point. The […]

Pussy: (Only Metaphorically) For Sale

April 10th,

Enough of this angelic bullshit!
Submissive clients: What’s with the eating pussy?
Look, I like a side of rough sex with my domination as much as the next girl, but in commercial-land that’s straight up illegal. I’m not trying to perpetuate an unhealthy paradigm where dominant women are too good to be touched and they never […]

Why Not Pay?

March 25th,

At dinner on Saturday, a friend asked me if I would pay for sex. I said, Yes, of course! I’m amazed, and dismayed, that I never have.
We posited that intrinsic difficulty prevented me. The research, the selection, the call, the appointment, the wait, the interview, the paying, the shuffling between rooms, more waiting, […]

The Unofficial Client Rules

February 28th,

So you want to see a sex worker, and you’re worried about etiquette?
None of my advice has changed in the year since I wrote this, so I think it’s pretty solid.
As with any service profession, I think 15-20% is standard for good service. If you plan to be a regular, tipping will endear you. If […]

Black Rose Review

December 4th, 2007

I haven’t been able to stop talking about one of CM Hurt’s presentations. I only knew it was entitled Nurse Nasty, so assumed it was medical somehow. But I did remember seeing her name years ago on BMEzine (what better recommendation?) so I dropped in.
Holy. Shit.
I’ve been having trouble explaining what about it […]

The Fellatio That Dare Not Speak Its Name

September 2nd, 2007

“He tipped you,” she told me.
That’s not a tip; it’s a bribe. “He wants a handjob,” I said as I stuffed rope in my bag.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Every time a man has tipped me before the session started, it’s been with the expectation of special treatment.”
“Nooo. Really?” She thinks I’m a horrible […]

Crossover in sex work

May 8th, 2007

Today I want to link to Annie Sprinkle’s The 40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes.
How is this relevant to anything I do? you might ask. You’re not a whore — you’re a dominatrix. You whip people and make them say thank you while they kiss your boots. You are never required […]