Things This Blog Is Not

January 26th,

1. A timeline. I often save posts for many weeks or months.

2. Representative of my sexual preferences, in any given situation.

3. An accurate retelling of sexual encounters. “Artistic license” doesn’t begin to describe my clipping, mish-mashing, ornamentation and disregard for detail.

4. An accurate record of how much sex I have, with who, or what kind.

5. A cry for help or counselling. What would I write about if not my sexual issues? Conversely, if my sexual issues pose a problem to my health, I have better recourse than blogging (therapy & health insurance; trusted friends; alcohol).

6. A plea for dates, sex, or either for cash.

7. Sanctioned by anyone who’s ever paid me.

8. Making me any money.

9. Most likely, about you.

7 Responses to “Things This Blog Is Not”

  1. 1 Wendy
    January 27th, at 12:25 am

    Wait…you haven’t been writing about me the whole time?

    I’m so depressed now.

  2. 2 axe
    January 27th, at 12:30 am

    Wait….you mean it’s not all about me???

  3. 3 Z
    January 27th, at 3:08 am

    Personally, I’m appalled to discover there may have been artistic license, and that this is not a day-to-day blow-by-blow account of your struggles with self-esteem and sexuality. What kind of blogger are you? How dare you write something interesting, informative and entertaining, and not be willing to fuck everyone who reads it? You’re just weird.

  4. 4 Dov
    January 27th, at 3:35 pm

    Okay so the time in reno and the Balkans with the me and the entire 69rs cheerleaders werent what you were alluding to.

    I am just shocked and outraged at such a personal betrayal now you just go back to writing your entertaining and informative blog damn it ;-)

    Oh and the checks in the mail!

  5. 5 Coralina
    January 27th, at 3:52 pm

    If this blog isn’t about me,I shall no more give you all those big checks..snif,snif!I feel so depressed now I’ll write a blog about how depressing and cruel the bloggers are :D!

  6. 6 anymouse
    January 31st, at 7:44 am

    “6. A plea for dates,”

    Once again, my hopes are crushed!

  7. 7 tamir
    February 1st, at 11:45 pm

    WOW, i couldnt have imagined that my email might lead to such a posting…
    i never meant for you to get so offended, and if you did, i am truly sorry.
    i was simply stating that your words penetrated me in such a way, i couldnt help but share it with you.
    i can only hope that you really didnt take my words so personally…

    but look how defensive you became, when all i wanted to do was converse a little about life in the fast lane…

    sorry to have touched a nerve in you.

    still, i think that your blog is HOT, and i love to follow your trysts and triumphs… all the best in 2008!
    t dubs

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