Archive for the 'blogging' Category

More Maintenance

May 14th,

I’ve been (re)reviewed at Jane’s Guide!  They say I’m “engaging, interesting, fun - heck, she’s even grammatically correct… a rare gem of a sex blogger”.  I can imagine no higher praise.
Also, a few changes around here.  I checked my feed reader (what I read on a daily basis) against my blogroll (what I pimp to […]

PurrVersatility and Tact

March 28th,

Lovers of smart sex-work talk should check out Kitty, a formerly-SF-now-UK sex worker. Her baby blog PurrVersatility has two fabulous posts recently, one on forced feminization and one on threesomes. Too many people bog down in jokes and ostentatiously sexy bits; I’m liking her clear, light and incisive prose. Add her to […]

AVN Online

February 13th,

Bo of Bleufetish Video kindly pointed out to me that my blog (along with Adele Haze and Nikki Flynn) is mentioned in the February issue of AVN Online magazine.
… I think something … significant is going on. We have porn performers using blogs as means of self-promotion. They are making themselves characters and, maybe, eventually, […]

Grey Is A Kinder Color

February 10th,

Oh, ambivalence. Creature of my fondest fantasies. A friend of mine once used the word “bittersweet”; she referred not to the blending of the flavors, she said, but to the tension held between them.
Debauchette and Marcelle Manhattan, easily two of the best writers on my blogroll, take on the same topic this week. Debauchette: […]

Bloody Laughter Goes Down Under

February 9th,

Last night we sent off Eileen for a year in Sydney, Australia. (Maymay goes after.)
Those two were some of the first people I met in New York, and will be sorely missed.
You guys take care of them, now, y’hear?


January 29th,

Since I couldn’t sleep last night, I got some things fixed around here.  Most notable is probably the header.
You’ll notice “where to find me” and “where to see me” on the sidebar; tags and archives have been tidied for easier access; and my sidebar’s been reorganized in a more logical fashion.
Everything is subject to change […]


January 28th,

Is there a word for “fainting at the sight of blood”?
I don’t. No, really, I don’t. But for a moment today I thought I’d developed it. After a long day shooting video with Mistress Trish, we were pulling a dozen needles out of our lucky submissive’s genitals. Blood was everywhere. Each […]

Things This Blog Is Not

January 26th,

1. A timeline. I often save posts for many weeks or months.
2. Representative of my sexual preferences, in any given situation.
3. An accurate retelling of sexual encounters. “Artistic license” doesn’t begin to describe my clipping, mish-mashing, ornamentation and disregard for detail.
4. An accurate record of how much sex I have, with who, or […]

Coincidental Pictures

January 14th,

Appropriately enough for a non-public-play event, one of the first things to come back from my weekend are fashion show pictures.
Ian X (of shot these stills. I’m sure he was frustrated all to hell with the conditions, but I love these shots!

No, Molly and I did not theme our outfits on purpose.
Check out […]

Needed: Tentacles, Slime

December 5th, 2007

Email, June 25th
No sex, tentacle sex, oral sex, tentacle sex, wanking, or
tentacle sex. I don’t care how proud you are of your ’special love
Me: Do you really mean there’s no sex?
Rob: It’s my party. I don’t want to clean slime off the walls.
Email, July 26th
No sex, oral sex, wanking, or tentacle sex. […]

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