Archive for the 'explanation' Category

Porn FAQs: 4 (Enemas & Anal Sex)

August 20th,

This is more of an Enemas 101 than a proper porn question. The question “How do you prep for anal sex in porn?” gets a one-word answer: “Enema”. I have heard about girls fasting, ostensibly to delay the natural progression of things, but (she says over her chicken and mushroom couscous) I can’t […]

Too Much and Never Enough

July 27th,

A couple months ago I recorded a guest spot on a friend’s Human Sexuality lecture.
She brought up an interesting point: It is just as taboo to talk about money as it is about sex. (Which is why I think it’s great fun to bring money into your sex — but that’s another story.)
Whatever I […]

Why Not Pay?

March 25th,

At dinner on Saturday, a friend asked me if I would pay for sex. I said, Yes, of course! I’m amazed, and dismayed, that I never have.
We posited that intrinsic difficulty prevented me. The research, the selection, the call, the appointment, the wait, the interview, the paying, the shuffling between rooms, more waiting, […]

The Unofficial Client Rules

February 28th,

So you want to see a sex worker, and you’re worried about etiquette?
None of my advice has changed in the year since I wrote this, so I think it’s pretty solid.
As with any service profession, I think 15-20% is standard for good service. If you plan to be a regular, tipping will endear you. If […]

Further Adventures in Responsible Adulthood

February 25th,

I got my first of three HPV shots last week. While I’d much rather spend the money (and it was expensive) elsewhere, I figure I can’t put a price on avoiding cervical cancer.
There are about 100 strains of HPV, and Gardasil only covers four, but those four are responsible for 70% of cervical cancers […]

Things This Blog Is Not

January 26th,

1. A timeline. I often save posts for many weeks or months.
2. Representative of my sexual preferences, in any given situation.
3. An accurate retelling of sexual encounters. “Artistic license” doesn’t begin to describe my clipping, mish-mashing, ornamentation and disregard for detail.
4. An accurate record of how much sex I have, with who, or […]

Thank You

January 14th,

I really wanted to write an anecdote in screenplay format. Tact prevents me from writing it at all. However, dear reader, if you have an encounter with multiple men, I encourage you to write about it in screenplay format, that you may write MAN in capital letters as many times as possible. […]

Question and Answer

January 8th,

or, Why Kink Should Have Me On Salary.
Mona left a comment on a previous post of mine, The Internet Is For (Sharing) Porn. My reply got lengthy, so rather than reply in comments, I wanted to post it here.
Mona writes:
The stuff on disturbs me to no end. I understand that sex […]

Crossover in sex work

May 8th, 2007

Today I want to link to Annie Sprinkle’s The 40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes.
How is this relevant to anything I do? you might ask. You’re not a whore — you’re a dominatrix. You whip people and make them say thank you while they kiss your boots. You are never required […]

The first conversation

April 21st, 2007

It wouldn’t happen if I didn’t talk so much, that first conversation.
Life would be easier if I didn’t talk so much. Living with myself is easy: I am a loyal and patriotic subscriber to the laws, bylaws, and regulations of Calico. Other people? Not so much.
But sometimes I feel that not talking […]

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