Archive for the 'family' Category

They Don’t Know

December 25th, 2007

I’m home for the holidays. No, my parents don’t know what I do.
It’s easier than you’d think: in short, we don’t talk much.
With the college semester over, I’ve been on a vintage-dress kick lately. I spent the night before I left for Boston taking apart a 1950’s day dress and altering it to […]

Guests and houseguests

May 12th, 2007

Today, I’m too sleepy to write thoughtful material. I’m halfway through a weekend with the most terrifying of companions: my mother.
But first, here are the unexpected places my baby blog has been this week:
Maymay, of Maybe Maimed But Never Harmed, wrote flattering things about me. Thanks, May!
Viviane, of Viviane’s Sex Carnival, also graciously […]