The Secret’s Out
January 30th,So much drunk! I wonder if I will regret coming out to my college acquaintances tomorrow.
I did it sober (which is to say, before the drinking ensued, but after I developed a crush on the boy). We’ll see. I suspect that sleeping with arrogant, entitled rich boys would be disastrous — but also that entitled rich boys want little to do with whores.
We’ll see.
January 30th, at 11:59 pm
MMMm your not a whore, just very friendly
January 31st, at 12:45 am
I thought entitled rich boys were the prime customers of whores….
Either way, sober is probably better, IMHO.
January 31st, at 8:25 am
I’ve outed myself and been outed before. I found that outing myself was preferable - when I told people they had a mild interest, when they found out on their own (I’ve been outed by others a few times) they were much more interested purely because it was scandalous. Getting ahead of the issue allowed me to control the spin (he says, as if his sex blog was a political campaign…)
Not entirely the same situation, since I’m not sure which part you outed yourself about (the blog or the work) but that’s my $.02 fwiw.
January 31st, at 12:12 pm
The work, not the blog.
January 31st, at 3:00 pm
What did you out yourself about?
The pro dom thing?
The porn?
The non-work SM?
Something else?
January 31st, at 4:53 pm
So I’d completely planned on making it out to Pleasure Salon tonight - even had a lady friend of mind bus it out to the city. At the last minute, however, it occurred to me that this was probably a bar and that IDs would be checked and - alas - she’s not 21 :: sigh :: I’ll definitely make it out to the next event, though.
February 1st, at 2:31 pm
I’ve seen your face in the DOWF profiles often enough. I began to wonder if you were thinking of making an appearance yourself.
Eh, eh?
February 1st, at 6:59 pm
I’m holding out for Leather Retreat.
February 1st, at 9:51 pm
Hope it turned out okay! I have people at my day job who know I write smut, but I’m always scared they’ll find my URL. The Academy, however, is a much more accepting environment. My brother goes to Columbia and my cousin goes to NYU, and when I first started up they gave out cards advertising my blog to people around campus.
February 2nd, at 5:57 am
You’re going to LR again?
People have been encouraging me to go, but after the minor debacle last year, I’m still hesitant.
I may have to think about it…
February 2nd, at 11:40 am
It’s the one event I’m saving money for. For all my nerves about going to an event alone, or even how to get there, I haven’t had a time quite like that since last June.
February 2nd, at 7:06 pm
Something tells me you will have no trouble findng people to hang out with!
I, on the other hand, found a group that tolerated me and proceeded to fuck it up. I have serious reservations. LOL.
February 4th, at 4:03 pm
Then I’ll hope to see you at LR.