Hate Myself For Loving You

November 27th, 2007

Having sex really is dangerous. The proof: I find myself receiving dating advice! So much of it is crap.

Oh, you’re looking to have the least bit of human connection! Here’s what you’ll want to change then. Pornography, sex work, my over-libidinous nature, my openness, my carousing ways. (We college students with full-time jobs get up to so much carousing.)

Let us apply some logic.

I am a worthwhile person. I am looking (someday) for a committed partnership. Therefore, other worthwhile people looking for commitment must also talk about their sex lives on the Internet, do porn, and have wild sex. This leaves me little incentive to reform.

Do people all think they must be like their parents in order to avoid dying alone? My Cinderella and Prince Charming look a lot more like oh, Bianca Beauchamp and Martin Perrault than my folks. Oh, if only I were as hot as I fancy myself brainy.

I’m probably the last person who should dispense dating advice. But this is my website, so hell, here it is anyway.

If you think you need to change in order to date, you do. Move out of Bumfuck, Oklahoma and go to Seattle or Portland or San Francisco. Get a job you love. Ditch the stuffy, backwards attitude. And before you go looking for people who hate you, take a good look at what you hate in yourself.

3 Responses to “Hate Myself For Loving You”

  1. 1 axe
    November 27th, 2007 at 11:09 pm

    Damn straight!

    Actually that’s why I moved from the midwest to NYC. The only dominant women back home usually drive semi-trucks and can burp louder than I can.

    Hope to see you at Black Rose this weekend!

  2. 2 Nix
    November 28th, 2007 at 11:15 am

    I’ve been avoiding going places where I might meet people I want to date (Paddles does NOT count). Why? Because No one will like me?

    Um, no…
    Because I didn’t want to DATE.

    And, BTW, you seem both brainy AND hot to me.

  3. 3 Helena
    November 28th, 2007 at 1:47 pm

    Oh, thank you SO much for writing this. I’m in the middle of work on an angry essay about this topic, amongst other things, and identify with every single thing you said here. So very much right on.

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