Sex Object
November 11th, 2007I was so turned on, I think I had forgotten how intercourse worked. Where’s the condom? Did we have a condom? No, put it down, I don’t want to — I want to — no, stay still. Let me touch. Not yet. I said, wait.
“Will you forgive me,” I asked, detaching my teeth from his stomach, “if I just lick every inch of your body and never get around to having sex with you?”
“I would. At some point my resolve will snap and I might rape you. But that point is not here yet.”
“Oh, that’s fine. Just remember the condom, all right?” I fully intended to fuck him until neither of us could walk straight. Really. In just… one… minute.
Permission was dangerous. Thus freed, he hooked my leg with his, and we rolled half over. I wasn’t ready for ravishment! I shoved him down and he yielded, falling back onto the bed.
“How’s it feel to be a sex object?” I asked him.
“Pretty good,” he said, after consideration.
I looked at him for a long minute, and then I had to crawl back and lay myself over him, pressing my face into all the sculpted curves, just to convince myself he was real. “You are so fucking beautiful.”
He seemed at a loss. “I don’t know how to take it.”
“Like any other compliment, you say ‘Thank you’. Are you really so unaccustomed to women appreciating your body?”
“Not entirely. They’ve just never — said so.”
“You may have to put up with me saying so.”
He nodded into my shoulder. “It’s nice to have the affirmation,” he said quietly.
“You deserve it,” I said. “I’m surprised people haven’t given it to you.”
Poor man. All that work to attract the attention of a dominant woman, and he’s got …. me.
November 11th, 2007 at 10:52 pm
I don’t even understand what you mean when you say “All that work to attract the attention of a dominant woman, and he’s got …. me.” - surely you’re a dominant woman, or at least play one on TV?
And as such, it’s up to you how much praise to give, when, and of what sort, I would posit.
November 11th, 2007 at 11:09 pm
Dominance and submission can both be a lovely sort of ephemeral reincarnation, sometimes.
November 12th, 2007 at 12:29 am
More men need to be told they’re beautiful! Its just not fair that they go around not being vocally appreciated. More broads need to be telling men they’re hot. Maybe even catcall them. I know *I* appreciate the vocal attentions of construction workers. Maybe the boys would like that too.
I just had one of my male friends/partners tell me he never considered himself good looking until recently. (Which explained some confusing actions and questions he’d asked.) I goggled at him for like, ten minutes going “buuuuh?” and then told him about how I got all weak at the knee’s when I first saw him. That helped.
November 12th, 2007 at 1:36 am
Bad Man - It’s a running joke that I’m not dominant, between the switching and the selling it.
What the poor boy doesn’t realize is how much worse I am! He probably wasn’t expecting all the violence. And I hear the sex is a lot of work.
“And as such, it’s up to you…”
Whimper. Yeah. That.
May - Intent not action, right?
Wendy - Spread the praise, but not the catcalling, please? I hate it, so gender privilege be damned, turning it around seems mean. I think women in general aren’t as vocally appreciative as we could be. No one trains us to tell men how beautiful they look when they show up, even if they are.
November 12th, 2007 at 10:38 am
Ah. I hadn’t put the pieces together on the switchiness.
I agree with Calico on the catcalling. I’m not a Tyrese or even a Calvin Klein model, but I’ve been catcalled by groups of women (mainly birthday parties and bachelorette parties) and since they tend not to have any intent other than to harass and put their sexuality out there, it’s not really great. However, in passing, a “woah” or “yum” or “wow” while making eye contact, hell even a smile, well, that’ll make a boy’s day. Stopping to say “I had to stop you to say that I thought you were very (hot/cute/attractive)” is welcome too.
November 13th, 2007 at 1:38 am
Oh, ok, no cat calling. *grumbles* I hate having to behave.
(Deep down inside, even further down than my inner gay man, is my inner truck driver.)
But its true. We *aren’t* trained, ever, to tell men how beautiful they look. Meanwhile, women are trained to expect it.
And sometimes, we even get reprimanded for telling men they look beautiful, even when they are, or just saying it in general, because ‘Men are not beautiful. Only women can be beautiful.’ (Actual quote from the Mother.) But damnit, I disagree. I know lots of beautiful men. Heck, I even have one male friend who I call Beautiful as a nickname.
They need to hear it more, and we need to say it.Its a nice little balance, a give and take. Or it ought to be. Nurturing each other’s egos and such. (God I hope that makes sense. Its three AM)