Bitchy Jones’s Diary

May 7th, 2007

Blog pick of the day: Bitchy Jones’s Diary. She is a dominant woman — avocational — who likes submissive men. She isn’t terribly kind to my ilk, but it’s refreshing.

I just found her blog and read the first three entries (starting with Here Kitty, Kitty) and it is all so brilliant and spot-on and squirmy-making that I had to run back here and link.

Actually, I lied — between the last sentence and this I had to run back and read some more. But now I’m going to post this.

3 Responses to “Bitchy Jones’s Diary”

  1. 1 Lolita
    May 7th, 2007 at 3:23 pm

    Yes! I’ve been reading her. She is spot on.

  2. 2 Bitchy Jones
    May 8th, 2007 at 9:51 am


    I found your link via a pingback to my site. Thanks for reading and being so nice.

    I am sorry I am not so nice to prodoms. I am sometimes mean about them due to my own insecurities. Although I do stand by my general problems with the ubiquitousness of prodoms in femdom culture… Sorry, I won’t bore you to death. I’ll probably blog on this subject ten bazillion more times anyway.

    Thanks for the link. Thanks for the liking.

  3. 3 Calico
    May 8th, 2007 at 7:02 pm

    Oh, don’t be sorry! Pros are in it for money. If they (we?) care about how they are perceived by non-slavering-male persons, they ought to put effort into it.

    Thanks for clicking over. :)

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