Whoring is Not the Problem

March 14th,

I’m sad Spitzer resigned so fast! It took all the fun out of my fantasy.

I’d begun to collect the various arguments I’ve dispensed across the Internet the past couple of days, when I realized that Glenn Greenwald had done it for me, without all the cursing and impotent frustration.

If you read one thing on the Spitzer sex scandal, let it be this. You have to sit through a couple seconds of the Salon ad, but trust me, it’s worth it.

Link via Mistress Matisse.

6 Responses to “Whoring is Not the Problem”

  1. 1 maymay
    March 15th, at 12:23 am

    Head’s up: the Glenn Greenwald link is broken.

    P.S. I loved your Spitzer fantasy letter. :)

  2. 2 Calico
    March 15th, at 12:26 pm

    Agh - fixed it. Thanks!

  3. 3 Dov
    March 15th, at 2:08 pm

    Its funny the daily news has a number of articles on her today the most interesting is the that contains the little tidbit that one of her songs on a musics site has been downloaded so many times since the scandal broke that she may make more money from that then her entire career being a sex worker.

    Have to love the prurient public.

  4. 4 Lisa
    March 16th, at 6:19 pm

    I went and checked out several of the linked links… this is my favorite comment on the whole thing. Apparently people people with this point of view also have some sort of allergy to punctuation marks.


    she should not be rewared isnot funny what she is done people should not pay her specially the media there are other ways to make money she is destroying peoples families not only that who knows how many diseses she carrie to her mouth how many man is been there plus she is not claiming to the IRS all the money she make that is federal and also prostitution is ilegal she should not be threted like she did something marvelous she is the crab of the entire earth she needs to be penlize the media shoul not be paying her because of the media we are going to have another hooker like this with another governor trying to copy her steps and is never going to be an end i thing she should be in jail till she gets old

  5. 5 Adrian Hardhand
    March 17th, at 12:11 pm

    Hello Calico

    Whoring isn’t a problem. After all, it is the world’s oldest profession, and an honourable one. The problem is with the fuckedup monotheistic mindset which invented “sin.” Grrr.

    By the way, I hope you do go back to Kink. I really enjoyed your most recent appearances there.

    Yrs in pervery, Adrian

  6. 6 Casey
    March 18th, at 5:35 pm

    “she is the crab of the entire earth”?????


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