Bad body! No vibrator.

May 15th, 2007

Squirting was not a happy discovery for me.

Even the name sucks. “Female ejaculation” is no better: it’s clinical and derivative (we don’t say male ejaculation, do we?). Whoever named it didn’t have a poetic bone in their body.

I can remember exactly when it happened, too. I was 20, and I had just dyed my hair its customary color of screaming orange the day before. I was on the set of my very first bondage video, having my very first encounter with the Hitachi Magic Wand.

“Did you squirt?” said the top, pointing to a small puddle on the floor.

“Nnmm!” I said, which meant roughly, “I’m wearing a ballgag and I can’t feel my hands, but hell if I know what you mean.”

It was my first time alone in California, and a friend of mine was sharing his makeshift accomodations, in the spare room where he slept on the floor. During the week I stayed there we became much better acquainted. When a couple days after that shoot he produced a similar vibrator from his closet, I came promptly, soaking his sleeping bag to the carpet. I was shocked and mortified.

“I adore you, and all your various fluids,” he assured me.

I don’t! I wanted to wail.

In my mind, what had heretofore been a neat and tidy affair was now a hazard. I stopped masturbating with vibrators entirely, and protested whenever my boyfriend would bring the Hitachi out. Any appeal it might hold was offset by the idea of squelching around in a cold, wet bed. I would hold back during sex for fear that a tide might be forthcoming.

Apparently most women need G-spot stimulation to squirt. That’s never done it for me yet, for which I give thanks. I need a strong vibrator to squirt, directly on my clit.

Even given a towel or a plastic sheet, I was annoyed with the affair. Squirting was messy and effusive and, in my opinion, utterly unnecessary. I’m not polite about my orgasms: being quiet usually means I need a pillow to bite. What was wrong with the way things had been?

Mostly I dreaded being one of *those* girls. I’m already one of the mythical women who can come, quickly and reliably, from penetration. I can come from vibrators; I can come from fingers; I can even come from certain types of pain. (Caning, or chest punching, for example.) In a couple of years I’ll probably discover more: orgasm by chocolate, Martian rays, or something equally preposterous. I don’t really need to get on film and demonstrate how easy it is for a woman to come. Even before learning to squirt, I was the exception to the rule.

And then there’s the question I’m always asked: Is it pee? Scientifically no one has convinced me either way, but when it happens for me it’s either clear or milky, and neither smells nor tastes like urine. (Nor can I prevent it by going to the bathroom beforehand, more’s the pity.) Is it inconceivable that sometimes, I pee by accident, and neither of us realizes? I don’t think so, but I suppose anything’s possible, including the undignified.

I should be at peace with it, I know. Everything else in sex is messy and wet and undignified. I might as well welcome one more thing.

But first, we need a better name.

5 Responses to “Bad body! No vibrator.”

  1. 1 Avah
    May 15th, 2007 at 9:53 am

    Better name? Sure. But I’d love to learn how to do that myself!

  2. 2 maymay
    May 16th, 2007 at 10:20 pm

    Hm. My very first sexual encounter was with a partner two years my elder who is to this day the partner with the wettest sex I have ever experienced. And naturally, I loved it.

  3. 3 NaughtyChick
    May 17th, 2007 at 10:57 am

    I just went through and read all of your recent posts and I have to tell you that I think you are brilliant. Quoted one of your posts in my update today. Rock on woman.

  4. 4 SG
    May 19th, 2007 at 8:43 am

    A couple of notes. First, it is not pee. Definitely. Even though it looks and feels like it is coming out like pee, it is not. Second, someday you are going to find someone who knows what they are doing and you will have a g-spot squirting orgasm. Your world will change. Third, guys like very loud, very wet women. Count your blessings.


  5. 5 Dov
    September 16th, 2007 at 3:18 pm

    I am a pretty strong believer in that it ain’t pee having lived with someone who made like a super soaker every time we had sex.

    On the clinical side I think Female ejaculate works just as male ejaculate works as for well more poetic terms ive heard it referred to as nectar and super pussy juice and in one instance as Kikapoo juice.

    I tend to like squirt or spray as to how pyrotechnical it can be.

    Martian ray tentacle sex theres a thought, comes with a bar of chocolate

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