Ringlets and Bruises

August 5th, 2007

Summer is slow for my industry. “Five Things I Hate About Being A Dominatrix In The Summer” really says it all. We’ve thoroughly tested the iced-coffee theory in this heat; maybe tomorrow we’ll lay off playing with my webcam and obtain asparagus out of sheer boredom.

These may be the first photographic evidence of my curly hair:


I do not usually wear lipstick with so much eye makeup, but I had to cover up the bloodblister left from last night’s party. My teeth met my lip during an enthusiastic wrestling match. (I almost won. Doesn’t that sound better than “lost”?)

After Saturday I’ve decided that any party I host will have wrestling. With sweaty, muscular, half-naked men. Sadly, I have no pictures of the pretty boys wrestling each other, for there were many of them.

One in particular caught my fancy; I just barely won the match despite denying him the use of both his hands. I mean, damn. I could not help but think (a la Eileen) of boxes, and packing tape, and shipping him off neatly to someone who might also appreciate brawny men who could be overpowered by force. I bet he’d pop out of the box all flushed and mussed and thirsty, hands still appealingly tied.

It’s okay to think about kidnapping your friends, right?

Here is the more banal evidence of my Saturday night:


You know it was a good night when you can’t sit down on the subway ride to work.

I took these photos at home in the much less flattering light of my bedroom. In my professional opinion, no one should ever choose a webcam to take pictures of their own ass. The poorer the quality of a picture, the raunchier it looks.

A couple weeks ago I had a rare client who loved my ass — I mean really loved it, in the way I can condone, not just for its proximity to more private parts. He got down on the floor and put his face not a foot away. Reverently, he palmed each cheek. He squeezed gently. He lifted them an inch, then let them fall. When he had made his introductions with my buttocks, he began to jiggle them, again gently with his palms, rolling them around as if my ass rippled and danced while I stood in my heels. Kneeling in the presence of all that undulating flesh, he looked like a man experiencing the rapture.

I was charmed. Most people who compliment my ass are complimenting the lack of it. You’re not fat, they tell me. You must work out, they say. Nice and firm. You must be so careful about what you eat.

When I hear those, all I can think of is the first boyfriend who spanked me. “Why does your ass jiggle when I hit it?” he said. “Did it used to do that? I think you’ve put on some weight since I met you.” I left convinced that if I were ever spanked again, my partner would think I was ugly.

Ugh. I’m sorry to lay down edicts, men, but don’t do any of this — ever. You wouldn’t tell her she’s gotten “less ugly”, now would you? So don’t compliment a woman by telling her that she’s lost weight.

I am grateful that I have enough ass to hit, among many other things tonight. For friends; for parties; for play. For cabs that take me home to sweet sleep at 4am. For living in New York fucking City (no, I’m not over it yet).

And for pretty, pretty boys wrestling.

9 Responses to “Ringlets and Bruises”

  1. 1 Eileen
    August 6th, 2007 at 8:42 am

    You did almost win. Seriously, I thought I was going to lose after you pinned me that first time.

    When I hit your lip I heard this horrid crunch, and I had a moment of sheer panic thinking I’d hit your septum or broken your nose. The sound was kind of amazing. I’m glad you escaped with just a blood bilster. (I had a fat lip from Rob getting me in the face, silly man.)

    I don’t know which pretty boy you were wrestling, but then again, there were plenty of pretty ones to choose from. I think seeing May fight B right in the beginning is my favorite of the night.

  2. 2 Jenny
    August 6th, 2007 at 8:49 am

    You are just beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

  3. 3 Bitchy Jones
    August 6th, 2007 at 12:16 pm

    Ooh, thank you. I think I have some space in the utility room for another crate.

  4. 4 R
    August 6th, 2007 at 2:43 pm

    Sounds like a fantastic time :)
    Yay you!

  5. 5 Casey
    August 6th, 2007 at 2:50 pm

    Ooh, pretty! (The hair *and* the butt!)

    Butts are supposed to jiggle when you spank them. Otherwise, ow!

  6. 6 Dov
    August 6th, 2007 at 3:16 pm

    Sadly wasnt able to get in on the wrestling matches that night but yes wrestling sweaty boys most certainly does work.
    You did however out fifth element Milla Jovovich just kept having thes imgaes involving every one in gautier outfits wrestling that night.
    Then again got to play with knives so wasn’t a lost evening at all.

  7. 7 R
    August 6th, 2007 at 5:16 pm

    You know I like your hair curly :)

  8. 8 Troy
    August 9th, 2007 at 3:30 am

    Hey! I wrote that “Dominatrix in the Summer” thing! Thanks for linking it. Came across your blog via Bitchy Jones. Love the marks… and the curly hair.

  9. 9 Calico
    August 9th, 2007 at 2:38 pm

    It just goes to show: overshare a little bit of personal info, and suddenly the Internet is tiny. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

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