Archive for the 'spanking' Category


December 13th, 2007

The Artist’s tied arms are around my neck as I ride. I’ve put my glasses back on so I can see him, but they keep slipping down my nose.
I hate to encourage the myth that men need to fuck for hours. (It’s a peeve of mine, second only to the notion that women […]

Ringlets and Bruises

August 5th, 2007

Summer is slow for my industry. “Five Things I Hate About Being A Dominatrix In The Summer” really says it all. We’ve thoroughly tested the iced-coffee theory in this heat; maybe tomorrow we’ll lay off playing with my webcam and obtain asparagus out of sheer boredom.
These may be the first photographic evidence […]


June 13th, 2007

You read it right: Coworkers I’d Like to Fuck.
God I hope they never read this.
I have the best coworkers in the world. I appreciate them doubly because it’s so rare, in sex work, to have coworkers in an environment that encourages comraderie and not competition. It’s impossible not to enjoy them, these confident, intelligent, self-actualized […]