and the last few days in SF

April 27th, 2007

I am in San Francisco.

I’m here because I’m shooting for I love Kink. I would shoot for them every month if they let me.

Wednesday was a tag-team wrestling match with Claire Adams, Darling, and Ariel X. Was there ever a luckier girl than me? Claire was on my side, thank God, and carried the whole thing.

It sounds cheesy and staged: naked girls wrestling to fuck each other. I expected it to be cheesy and staged the first time, and ohmygod was I dead wrong! I felt like I’d been hit by a truck. Injuries are common; bruises, expected. Want to motivate people? Offer money. You can even read the official rules. The better I do, the more I make, and the more likely I’ll be invited back. Girls have taken jiujitsu just for this, and I may yet be one of them.

Unexpectedly I had a blast the first time I wrestled for Ultimate Surrender — so much so that my boyfriend told me to shut up and go to LSM’s “bedroom wrestling” class already. I felt a little awkward and went to a potluck instead. I’ve never been anything but kindly received at such groups, but as a bisexual girl and sex worker, I feel self-conscious and deceptive.

I got my reprise yesterday, in any case, and I’ll be wrestling someone else on Monday. Wish me luck! If I win, I come back to wrestle Claire — a terrifying thought.

Yesterday I shot for Hogtied. Matt Williams did horrible things to my nipples. There was some tough bondage, including a hogtie vertically on a post (figure that one out!) where my head was back so far I nearly choked out. Afterward I wished he had been meaner with the rope. I miss that impossibly tight, can’t-move-an-inch, dangling-in-midair stuff.

We talked a little about sex and porn. It’s a conversation I look forward to continuing at Wednesday’s TES-TNG meeting.

4 Responses to “ and the last few days in SF”

  1. 1 Viviane
    May 1st, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    Did you see the NYT Sunday Magazine article about

    Welcome to the blogosphere. xx

  2. 2 admin
    May 2nd, 2007 at 10:59 pm


    The Times article was the talk o’ the set on Monday! I really liked it.

  3. 3 maymay
    May 9th, 2007 at 11:32 pm

    I completely relate to the feeling awkward at such events at times. Being a bisexual person is not easy in crowds of gay people. Sad, and at least for me, unexpected, but true.

    I am continually envious of your shoots, by the way. I don’t feel right about emailing them until I know what I’m doing it for, and for some reason “the experience” is not enough validation for myself just yet. Whatever. All in good time, I’m sure.

    Good luck the next time you fight. :) The girl and I do a bunch of wrestling together. It’s a lot harder than it looks.

  4. 4 admin
    May 14th, 2007 at 6:56 pm

    Maymay: I’ve never really talked to gay people about being bisexual, so my awkwardness is self-imposed. There may be animosity (or not!) but I’ve never had chance to encounter it.

    Re:, “the experience” is a big part of it for me, but so is “the statement”. When I started I was still battling a lot of guilt and uncertainty about whether it was right to hurt people or be hurt, to have compelling sexual desires, so on and so forth. I guess video was (and still is) a defiant coming out of sorts.

    Right now it looks like I’m wrestling Wenona in early June, not Claire Adams. Have you seen pictures of that woman? I just hope I don’t lose any body parts in the process of, well, losing.

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