Archive for the 'porn' Category

August 20th,

When I told some friends I was shooting for a site called Perfect Slave, they started laughing. Yeah, yeah.

They did manage to make my ass look pretty good, over my vociferous sartorial protests:

And for good measure, I picked this photo because you can tell that I’m laughing.

Porn performers don’t get residuals so […]

Porn FAQs: 4 (Enemas & Anal Sex)

August 20th,

This is more of an Enemas 101 than a proper porn question. The question “How do you prep for anal sex in porn?” gets a one-word answer: “Enema”. I have heard about girls fasting, ostensibly to delay the natural progression of things, but (she says over her chicken and mushroom couscous) I can’t […]

The Bad Shoot

July 23rd,

I talk a lot about limits: please-do’s and do’s, but mostly the don’t-do’s. On a good shoot, I like most of the activities and none exceed my limits. On a mediocre shoot, I’m bored, but at least I can perform well.
I’d never had a bad shoot before.
Much of this responsibility as a model is […]

Porn FAQs: 3

July 21st,

3. What do you do about your hair? You know, down there?
I think my bits would be happiest neatly trimmed, but it is not to be.
Natural is a niche market in porn. We will not examine this phenomenon today, lest I get bogged down in discussion of beauty standards, but I do want […]

Porn FAQs: 2

July 18th,

2. What about my zits/scars/stretch marks/bruises?
No one on set cares about your flaws and customers have better things to look at. We all have flaws, including your favorite porn stars. The difference is that they have confidence and enthusiasm. Don’t go on a bender and show up with barked shins and a black […]

Porn FAQs

July 15th,

1. What do you do when you have your period?
Today’s front-line arbiters of pornographic morality, the billing companies, won’t process content with blood. As such, they’ve outlawed the display of play piercing, Goth chicks with fake blood, and … menstruation!
God, how dangerous is that menstruation business? Personally, I know I always consider it […]

Guilty As Charged

June 30th,

Pretty, Pretty Porn

March 9th,

I’m chatting with folks in San Francisco about another trip in April. While I wait impatiently for them to get back to the office on Monday, I’m wondering to myself: which sites would I like to shoot again?
It’s probably a bad idea to change my limits in order to shoot for The Training of […]

Grey Is A Kinder Color

February 10th,

Oh, ambivalence. Creature of my fondest fantasies. A friend of mine once used the word “bittersweet”; she referred not to the blending of the flavors, she said, but to the tension held between them.
Debauchette and Marcelle Manhattan, easily two of the best writers on my blogroll, take on the same topic this week. Debauchette: […]


January 28th,

Is there a word for “fainting at the sight of blood”?
I don’t. No, really, I don’t. But for a moment today I thought I’d developed it. After a long day shooting video with Mistress Trish, we were pulling a dozen needles out of our lucky submissive’s genitals. Blood was everywhere. Each […]

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