Archive for the 'real live porn stars' Category

Pretty, Pretty Porn

March 9th,

I’m chatting with folks in San Francisco about another trip in April. While I wait impatiently for them to get back to the office on Monday, I’m wondering to myself: which sites would I like to shoot again?
It’s probably a bad idea to change my limits in order to shoot for The Training of […]

Coincidental Pictures

January 14th,

Appropriately enough for a non-public-play event, one of the first things to come back from my weekend are fashion show pictures.
Ian X (of shot these stills. I’m sure he was frustrated all to hell with the conditions, but I love these shots!

No, Molly and I did not theme our outfits on purpose.
Check out […]

The Internet Is For (Sharing) Porn

November 28th, 2007

Today I got into the pictures I did for in September. As I have no pay site, I’m going to post a bunch of my favorites for free, because I love you! I’m not an affiliate; I don’t get any more money. But you’re welcome to talk me up on their […]

Wired Pussy Live Audience

November 3rd, 2007

Ooh, looky what I found! This is a trailer for’s first live audience show. It happened on the Friday I was in town, so I asked if I could go.
“We’re all full.”
“Oh. Really? Please? No? Well, it was worth asking. If anything opens up…”
I had two days to […]

Ultimate Surrender Live Action

August 16th, 2007

Despite frequent requests, I’ve never taken a wrestling session at work.
Not that it is beneath me as a “pro-domme” — please, I do peanut butter — but I am a little girl who knows nothing about wrestling. Also, how could I win against someone twice my size? I lose money for declining these […]


June 6th, 2007

So I’m at Long Beach, CA, kicking back with the free wireless during my hour layover.
I was a little grumpy yesterday that my nifty new bag made black marks on my white MacBook. But I couldn’t keep it up.
First, there were three girls staying with me in the model apartment. Hallelujiah! If […] and the last few days in SF

April 27th, 2007

I am in San Francisco.
I’m here because I’m shooting for I love Kink. I would shoot for them every month if they let me.
Wednesday was a tag-team wrestling match with Claire Adams, Darling, and Ariel X. Was there ever a luckier girl than me? Claire was on my side, thank […]