
May 3rd, 2007

Oh, the danger of webcams. Before I get into the shower today, I snapped a couple pictures of the bruises from California.

No one’s ever left bruises on me from modeling — not even “modeling”. I was thrilled! I love bruises. I get hot over ‘em. Thanks, guys.

Bruise one of two

“Your tits are like a box of Crayolas,” said my date yesterday.

Bruise two of two

That’s my inner thigh. My thighs bruise if you look at them wrong: those marks are from a bare hand.

Pay no attention to the cane handles between the bed and the wall. I’m too lazy to retake the photo, and besides, they’re just for show.

One Response to “Documentation”

  1. 1 Boymeat
    May 4th, 2007 at 10:22 am

    Just for show, eh? We’ll need to fix that thought.

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