Archive for the 'marks' Category

If It Sucked, They Wouldn’t Do It

May 5th,

Back posts continued…
One of my coworkers told a story about her fiancee. All her boyfriends, she said, started skeptical about dominant women, but ended up playing with her sooner or later. And as soon as they tried it, they enjoyed it. “If it sucked, they wouldn’t do it!” she concluded, hands […]


April 12th,

Oft-asked annoying questions: Why do dominant women date dominant men? Why might dominant women prefer the challenge of forcing non-submissive men to submit? I’m sure Axe, our favorite New York City submissive looking for love, has posted a few times on these topics.
I sigh a bit at both questions. My New Years […]

Further Adventures in Responsible Adulthood

February 25th,

I got my first of three HPV shots last week. While I’d much rather spend the money (and it was expensive) elsewhere, I figure I can’t put a price on avoiding cervical cancer.
There are about 100 strains of HPV, and Gardasil only covers four, but those four are responsible for 70% of cervical cancers […]


December 13th, 2007

The Artist’s tied arms are around my neck as I ride. I’ve put my glasses back on so I can see him, but they keep slipping down my nose.
I hate to encourage the myth that men need to fuck for hours. (It’s a peeve of mine, second only to the notion that women […]

More To The Point

November 2nd, 2007

Piercing photos: beautiful, or gruesome?
You’d think editing would be quick, since my editing abilities are limited to “crop” and “save”. But I kept wanting to enlarge until I could see the inside of the hollow needles. Nah, I can’t show that, it’s really kind of disgusting. Wait, I can’t stop looking at […]


August 29th, 2007

I have nightmares sometimes where I’m covered in scars. I see my back in the mirror, crossed with white lash marks, and in the dream I feel incredibly ashamed.
When this came up in conversation yesterday, it sounded vain. I am vain in reality: I would be love to be covered in scars and tattoos. […]

Ringlets and Bruises

August 5th, 2007

Summer is slow for my industry. “Five Things I Hate About Being A Dominatrix In The Summer” really says it all. We’ve thoroughly tested the iced-coffee theory in this heat; maybe tomorrow we’ll lay off playing with my webcam and obtain asparagus out of sheer boredom.
These may be the first photographic evidence […]

MoMA and needles

July 16th, 2007

I went to MoMA for the first time on Friday. There was art I did not understand, and chocolate gelato. I brought a friend and busily unburdened myself about college-to-come, my broken air conditioner, and my first porn experience as a top.
Later we bought overpriced diner sandwiches. They were well worth it […]


May 3rd, 2007

Oh, the danger of webcams. Before I get into the shower today, I snapped a couple pictures of the bruises from California.
No one’s ever left bruises on me from modeling — not even “modeling”. I was thrilled! I love bruises. I get hot over ‘em. Thanks, guys.

Frolicon: the unangelic trick

April 11th, 2007

It was Saturday night in Atlanta, Georgia, and I had just lured a handsome man in a military uniform up to my room with a bundle of rope.
The only problem? He wanted to tie me up.
I had offered to cane him. That hadn’t gone over so well. I offered to tie him […]

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