Further Adventures in Responsible Adulthood

February 25th,

I got my first of three HPV shots last week. While I’d much rather spend the money (and it was expensive) elsewhere, I figure I can’t put a price on avoiding cervical cancer.

There are about 100 strains of HPV, and Gardasil only covers four, but those four are responsible for 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts. It’s not a panacea but it’s a pretty good start.

As I sat online at work idly poking my arm, I wondered to a lover: why don’t we give it to men? Why only immunize half a population? It needn’t be altruistic, either: even if men don’t get cervical cancer, they should certainly be concerned about warts. I know the vaccine isn’t FDA-approved for men yet, but I could’ve sworn there was talk about it when the vaccine was released.

Yesterday on the train I saw a man reading the Sunday Times, and facing me was an article I promptly tracked down with the title “Vaccinating Boys for Girls’ Sake“. Today Figleaf covered the topic. Interesting! I guess… we’ll see where it goes.

I don’t have much new to say, except that exciting progress is being made in immunology (five years ago, who would have thought we’d have a vaccine for this? what else might we see next?), and I hope social awareness and insurance companies follow along with it.

For the record: it didn’t hurt, except that I got the shot in an existing bruise (don’t do that; it concerns the nurses), and this was not a work-related decision. And while my insurance does not cover Gardasil, many will.

11 Responses to “Further Adventures in Responsible Adulthood”

  1. 1 Rona
    February 25th, at 3:53 pm

    Right now we don’t vaccinate men because the safety and efficacy studies were only done on the highest risk population most likely to benefit (which is also why I can’t get vaccinated - grrrr.) However, although men can’t get cervical cancer they can get penile cancer, anal cancer, genital warts, and throat cancer so vaccination wouldn’t be an entirely altruistic choice on their behalf once the vaccine becomes available for them. (I didn’t read the links, because I probably read about this topic at least 3 times a week for work and I’m lazy, so I may be recovering preexisting ground)

  2. 2 Amanda Brooks
    February 25th, at 5:10 pm

    It’s being discovered that men can and do get HPV. As to whether it’s the same strains the current female vaccine covers, I don’t know. Uncircumcised men are more likely to suffer the effects — as opposed to simply being a carrier.

    And they’ve started researching a very possible link between HPV and throat cancer.

    I’m glad you’re getting your vaccine though! I’m too old for it now :(


  3. 3 Mark
    February 25th, at 5:28 pm

    Of course, different people have different tolerences to different types of pain. For example, I will pay attractive women to spank me, trample me, stomp my balls, etc, yet I have never gotten a flu or meningitis or any kind of non-mandatory shot-I just find it too hard to submit to that kind of pain (it also doesn’t help to have it minimized to “push/pinch/done”-maybe for the doctor it’s that easy, but not for me). Maybe if they offered nitrous (I had an IV for 3 dental procedures with nitrous, and I took that just fine-why don’t doctors offer it-it’s the perfect drug for needlephobes-fast acting and you can drive home)?

  4. 4 Rebecca
    February 25th, at 8:50 pm

    I also had my first shot about a month ago. Numbers two and three to go. I thought, however, that it really freaking hurt! My arm and my credit card! LOL. That’s definitely not a reason to pass it up though.

    They are presently doing research on vaccinating boys and it is expected to be approved in the near future, from what I hear.

    To those over the age of 26… While you are technically “aged out” and your insurance won’t cover it, if you’re willing to self pay, I’m pretty sure you can still get it.

  5. 5 Nick
    February 26th, at 8:24 am

    I really, really, really want to get this, but it’s more than a thousand bucks for men. And guess what I don’t have.

  6. 6 Rebecca
    February 26th, at 7:52 pm

    I hadn’t even heard that men could get it yet, outside of being part of a study.

    Personally, I’m paying about 200 a shot, but I figure that’s worth it!

  7. 7 Nick
    February 26th, at 8:18 pm

    You can, but it’s not covered by anything so you have to pay full price on the shot plus your doctor etc. etc.

    Talk about dirty sexy money.

  8. 8 Rebecca
    February 27th, at 5:25 am

    Man, your doctor is overpriced! LOL.

    I actually picked the shot up from the pharmacy and it was like $181. That means your doctor is paying even less, because they get discounts for buying multiple doses (I’ve seen the order forms!) and pharmacies inflate prices too. So, if you’re reimbursing your doctor for the cost he paid for the shot, plus the cost of the visit… Can you at least get insurance to cover part of the visit under, um, other pretenses? (It’s a checkup, oh and can you give me this shot too? LOL)

    All I can say is… Man, your doctor is overpriced. LOL

  9. 9 Calico
    February 27th, at 3:27 pm

    It was $152 for the shot for me.

  10. 10 Rebecca
    February 27th, at 8:01 pm

    I had to physically go to the pharmacy to pick it up and bring it back to have the nurse give it to me… LOL

  11. 11 Rebecca
    February 27th, at 8:01 pm

    Now, why I couldn’t have just picked it up and given it to myself…? LOL

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