Pussy: (Only Metaphorically) For Sale

April 10th,

Enough of this angelic bullshit!

Submissive clients: What’s with the eating pussy?

Look, I like a side of rough sex with my domination as much as the next girl, but in commercial-land that’s straight up illegal. I’m not trying to perpetuate an unhealthy paradigm where dominant women are too good to be touched and they never get fucked. Sex-free domination is, as far as I can tell, an unfortunate product of the United States legal system. (And then a lot of stupid people bought into it.)

I know eating pussy is great. I have done some in my time. While I’m no great devotee of receiving, I’ve appreciated quite a fair bit more. But for money? It’s abso-fucking-lutely illegal.

I’d like to say whores are more honest than pro-doms, but in the whisper-quick scope of my experience with whoring, I did not let people eat my pussy. (I’m a big fan of safe sex; nothing gets me enthusiastic about the thought of sucking commercial cock like latex.) Even if I were whoring, it turns out, you’d be out of luck.

If you consider that not all whores will engage in something as intimate as unprotected oral sex, the request seems even crazier. I’m going to engage in it on the spur of the moment? Here? With you?

While I’m on the topic, I’ll reiterate: we cannot have oral sex of any kind. “God, I wish you could suck my dick!” exclaimed a client the other day.

That’ll bypass my usual politesse. “Not gonna happen,” I retorted.

“Not a question of money, huh?” The implication being it was a matter of morality.

“No, it’s not.” Though not morality, either.

You see, it doesn’t matter how close we are, or how much I like you. It doesn’t matter how many hours you buy with me or how many gifts you give me. You are not going to eat my pussy for cash. It’s not a reflection of your usefulness, your devotion, your submission, or my desire. It is something new and entirely unrelated: your face in my cunt. None of these reasons matter. Not past the part where I’ve told you “no”.

Least likely method to change my mind: calling it slyly. “Mistress, I’ll do absolutely anything you want, no matter what it is. I want to be forced to worship you totally. I would love to give you pleasure, Goddess! This is all about your orgasms, not mine.”

Great plan! Trick me into agreeing to something illegal and unsafe, then expect me to go through with it, while pretending it was all my idea. Yeah, that’ll work.

I do not like being treated like I’m stupid, which is what these ploys boil down to. Knowing what you know, it’s downright fucking rude. And don’t ruin oral sex for me, either. “Intimate body worship”? Yeccch.

The best refutation of the femdom-canon pussy-eating I have ever read remains Bitchy Jones’ “Here, Kitty, Kitty“. Even if Bitchy makes you cry a little inside (like she does me) here she is magic.

Cunnilingus-seekers: employ a whore. Perhaps consider retaining a mistress if STD tests are of concern to you. From her you can get all the things you lack when you employ me as a pro-domme. Expecting sex and begging for it leaves us both mightily dissatisfied. In a good session I can do the things you want; in a frustrating one, I can’t. I don’t appreciate the implication that I’m a bad (distant, prudish, frigid) provider, and it cheats me of satisfaction from things I do offer and enjoy.

Please, for the love of all that’s holy, stop asking! There are better ways to get me to say “no”.

8 Responses to “Pussy: (Only Metaphorically) For Sale”

  1. 1 Dov
    April 10th, at 1:48 am

    Its funny with this how much commercial Pro domme imagery is built around oral sex and being useful in that manner to the dominate woman.
    I sometimes wonder if most peoples wants or needs in these areas are just implanted there by the current trends in porn as opposed to whatever there true wants or needs may be.

  2. 2 dav9s
    April 10th, at 5:47 am

    As much as I like to help others get off, just knowing that you enjoy what you do does it for me. That is eroticism enough to make it real…either that or I am selfish….

  3. 3 Rita Seagrave
    April 10th, at 6:09 am

    Is it an omen that I’ve been in the adult industry too long if my first response to that type of inquiry is, “Oh, I bet you’d like to lick my pussy, wouldn’t you. You’d love to taste me and have my juices all over your face. Isn’t that right? Let’s see you stroke yourself, boy, while you’re thinking about that.” Heh. It instinctively glides off my tongue like, “Nice weather we’re having!”

  4. 4 Nix
    April 10th, at 9:16 am

    Is this guy from Boston?
    Cuz I swear, sounds just like the guy that couldn’t understand that we’d crossed from fetish modeing to porn, and then into prostitution.

    Nothing against those who choose to, but that’s NOT what I’m selling.

    Do they really think we fell off the turnip truck yesterday??

    And, Rita, you’re brilliant!!

  5. 5 Calico
    April 10th, at 10:46 am

    ahahahaha. Rita, me too!

    I also employ the phrase “That’s what I want you to think of while you jerk off tonight.”

    as in: “You want to fuck me? Ohh, it would be so good, wouldn’t it? Feeling that hard frustrated cock of yours slide slowly into my tight pussy. Seeing me ride it while I hold your arms down and tell you not to dare fucking come.”

    I’d rather we talked about the hotness of things we are allowed to do… but eh.

  6. 6 Dov
    April 10th, at 10:47 am

    Ritia I hink it more an exmple of how correct the turing test is.
    Its not so much that youve been around so long but more that the amount of response that people have and the ritualization that becomes so rote reduces anything in these areas to simplistic call and response actions in which only one person needs to actually feel any relevance in what those responses evoke.

  7. 7 Rebecca
    April 10th, at 3:21 pm

    Calico and Rita,

    You two are both so awesome.


    I needed a laugh!

  8. 8 marcelle.manhattan
    April 11th, at 10:52 am

    In my “quick whisper scope” of whoring (funny how I am also writing about that right now, though I didn’t come up with nearly as lovely a turn of phrase), it was amazing to me how people were NOT very in tune with safe sex. Don’t you think that’s precisely when you should be? I don’t get it. I hear you, girl.

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