So You Wanna Move To New York (As A Starving Artist/College Student/Sex Worker/Misc. Ne’er-Do-Well)
November 1st, 2007I can’t help you find a place. But I can assure you that your apartment will be small. Tiny. Miniscule.
Your first step is not to pack, but to get rid of everything. Your furniture, your appliances, everything. None of it will fit. Use Craigslist or Freecycle to overcome the temptation to “just pack it up for later”.
Do not bring the Kitchenaid. Do not bring the popcorn maker. Even your fancy pans and baking sheets may turn out to be too big for a half-size oven. Counter space is harder to come by here than casual sex. If you have any doubt, leave it behind.
And I mean everything. Your knicknacks, your files, your decorative candles. Sort and purge. What’s that, you’re an emotional creature? Anything you can’t purge should be set aside for storage.
Do you collect antique glass? Books? Records? Anything with the word “collection” in it that you can’t bear to throw away, give to someone to hold for you. You’ll either decide that New York is not for you, you’ll become filthy rich and have it shipped down in a couple years to your penthouse, or you’ll decide that New York is way better than having a house of Precious Moments figurines ever was.
Cull your wardrobe brutally, since you probably won’t have a closet. If you can’t part with it, give it to someone to hold — someone your size.
Same goes for your shoes and outerwear. If rain would destroy them, leave them behind. If they are white, leave them behind. When you go to buy new shoes, ask yourself: Could I walk a mile in these comfortably? How about two? If the answer is no, put them back.
I cannot stress enough how much I wish I had brought less stuff. I am not a material girl, and I have had three moves in the last year, and I still have too much stuff. If it hurts, just think: you can buy more. New York’s a shopping town: we have Goodwill here!
Oh, and don’t even think about bringing a car.
November 1st, 2007 at 10:48 pm
See, thats why you shouldn’t move to NYC proper. I moved to Queens. The only thing I left back at my parents house was my Mason and Hamlin Childrens Organ.
Though the closet part is SO FUCKING TRUE.
I wound up living with men, so I sort of took over two other closets. And I *still* find my self purging my closets.
Also, ditto on the car. Save yourself the trouble and money, and just buy a monthly metro card. 76$ for all the subway and bus rides you need, vs parking, gas, insurance, car payments, tickets, meters, the inevitable bodywork you’ll need done, and the stress? Thats an easy one.
November 2nd, 2007 at 5:05 pm
i have a big room and 2 closets in my bedroom, and 2 more in the apartment.
but then again, i pay out the nose and live almost in the east river. lol
November 3rd, 2007 at 6:51 am
Move to queens
November 3rd, 2007 at 11:58 pm
Heh, who needs a kitchenAid, no one in New York cooks anyway. they all eat out, as evidenced by the diners on every corner, adn two restaurants on every block.
November 4th, 2007 at 8:58 pm
I agree with Dov.
Queens rocks.
Also, trees.
November 12th, 2007 at 11:36 pm
Queens, totally.
I have a 2 br apt for less than a studio in NYC.
I have a phenomenal deal…
Actually, I have a Kitchenaid and an open bedroom, if you’re contemplating another move, or know someone kink friendly and quiet (sadly only quiet kink in the apt… thin walls).
Not a perfect apt, but roomie and about as cheap as you’ll find, and in a decent neiborhood.
November 12th, 2007 at 11:36 pm
Queens, totally.
I have a 2 br apt for less than a studio in NYC.
I have a phenomenal deal…
Actually, I have a Kitchenaid and an open bedroom, if you’re contemplating another move, or know someone kink friendly and quiet (sadly only quiet kink in the apt… thin walls).
Not a perfect apt, but roomie and about as cheap as you’ll find, and in a decent neighborhood.
I need a roommate, but I’ve been so unhappy with what’s come by I’m still footing the bill myself.
November 13th, 2007 at 1:08 pm
Nix - I actually am looking to move soon, in Queens. Email me, and perhaps we can get coffee and talk.
Wendy dot Blackheart at Gmail dot come
November 13th, 2007 at 8:57 pm
If you guys hit it off as roommates do I get a finder’s fee?
November 13th, 2007 at 9:56 pm
Hehe, I’m sure we could work something out.
November 14th, 2007 at 1:09 pm
Thanks for sending the email…
I’m bad about going back to look at comments