Upcoming: Providence FFF

December 31st, 2007

NELA’s Fetish Fair Fleamarket is January 11-13th, in Providence, RI.

Since I used to live in Boston, I try to make it back up for the Fetish Fair Fleamarket. It’s a pleasant weekend if you live in the area. Someday they will have public play instead of just vending and classes, and then I’ll really be able to recommend it.

I just got these photos from last year’s fashion show. I look forward to the chance to walk again this year, with better shoes, better hair and better vision (I couldn’t wear my contacts at the time). I’d never been on a catwalk before so of course they put me up first, and of course I tripped on a wire!


Me on the catwalk.


Me still upright. You know, if you stare at the floor hard enough, it stays away from your face?


Not falling down.


Still not falling down!


Me in Babylove Latex. A rare sighting of the Calico with glasses.




Come, dance, and spend the weekend — I’ll be there in any case.

I’ll also be making an appearance at Arisia, January 18-21st.

10 Responses to “Upcoming: Providence FFF”

  1. 1 Rona
    December 31st, 2007 at 8:55 pm

    You know, if you stare at the floor hard enough, it stays away from your face?

    This is a vicious vicious falsehood. I have stared quite strongly at the floor and still been hit in the face by it.

    Many times.


    I really do have to get on with making the “Gravity is my abusive boyfriend” t-shirts.

    (Oh, and that really is a beautiful corset)

  2. 2 Dov
    December 31st, 2007 at 8:55 pm

    HHHmmmm Sabrina asked if i wanted to perform at the ball since J wont be there to be wonderful with rope this year.
    Maybe i should say yes

  3. 3 Calico
    December 31st, 2007 at 11:09 pm

    Rona - Yes, it’s false, but I have to cling to some hope.

    Dov - What kind of performing?

  4. 4 maymay
    January 1st, at 12:42 am

    The one time I have ever been in a fashion show I was graced with a leash held by a very strong and very sweet gay leatherman, so I was thankfully relatively safe from the being hit by the floor in the face fear. Afterwards, I vowed never to make fun of models who walk on the runway again; it’s a lot harder than it looks, especially when blinded by big bright lights. On the other hand, it explained why so few of them are ever smiling.

  5. 5 Casey
    January 1st, at 4:22 am

    Rona–I’ll buy one of those shirts if you make them!

    Calico–pretty pictures.. :) See you in Providence.

  6. 6 axe
    January 1st, at 12:29 pm

    Ah I was invited by a friend of mine but can’t make since it falls on the same weekend I’ll be moving.

    Double damn.

    The glasses I’m sure will be missed this year.

  7. 7 Lily
    January 2nd, at 8:55 pm

    I LOVE the specs! I usually plump for contacts, but they really suit you.

  8. 8 coraline
    January 3rd, at 9:49 am

    are you modeling this year? i am, and i’m fearing the whole close-encounters-with-the-floor thing…
    wish me luck!

  9. 9 Victor
    January 4th, at 11:05 pm


    I sadly think it is far too late for me to get to the Flea. Not that I have any money anyway. Let alone a ride or a hotel room (and I am sure they are all booked up).

    But you’re going, Andrea is going, Dove might display rope (which I want to pick his brain about), other people I like are going…

    If I don’t make it, have a lovely time.

  10. 10 Demonezade
    January 18th, at 1:27 pm

    You should wear glasses more often. ^_^

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