AVN Online
February 13th,Bo of Bleufetish Video kindly pointed out to me that my blog (along with Adele Haze and Nikki Flynn) is mentioned in the February issue of AVN Online magazine.
… I think something … significant is going on. We have porn performers using blogs as means of self-promotion. They are making themselves characters and, maybe, eventually, celebrities rather than just fodder for the lenses of Kink and Lupus. They have seen what the Suicide Girls have achieved and are taking it one stage further by becoming unashamed hardcore alternative divas, an approach that seems more likely to succeed than Jenna Jameson-style attempts to crash the mainstream media. This could be yet another symptom of a developing alt-porn ethic in which performers control their own images and careers, and another sign that the times and dynamics really are a’ changing.
“Web Celebs of Alt“, Mick Farrel
Awesome! “Unashamed hardcore alternative divas”, huh? I like it. Does anyone know where I’d buy a copy of the actual magazine in New York?
February 13th, at 9:07 pm
“Obviously, these women are following in the footsteps of Belle de Jour, who parlayed her blog “Diary of a London Call Girl” into a book deal, national newspaper column and British TV series, and they’re taking cues from Madame Matisse, the photogenic Seattle pro-dom whose blog, tabloid column and recent podcasts have made her a Web celeb.”
I found this line pretty annoying. He doesn’t seem to really know the sex bloggers.
February 13th, at 9:36 pm
He also doesn’t seem to know that Suicide Girls don’t control their own images and tend to be treated like shit by the actual company.
February 14th, at 4:45 am
Fame at last, huh
Can’t figure out whose picture they used for the article. It ain’t Niki or me; is it you, or some random chick infringing on our awesome alt porn diva power?
February 14th, at 6:12 am
Whenever a journalist writes on an esoteric topic, the people already in the know invariably despair at how many mistakes and bad assumptions are present in the piece. It makes me wonder about all the news and articles about topics I don’t know anything about, and just how misinformed I must be. Nevertheless:
“At times, though, the confessional turns into graphic, very literate accounts that retain a core of humor about the sexual encounters being described. ”
This seems like a pretty damn good review to me. Congrats.
February 14th, at 8:56 am
Adele: Oh, yeah, can you feel the validation?
It’s not me. I assumed it was one of you two or a girl from Lupus.
February 25th, at 5:12 pm
Meant to congratulate you on this ages ago … actually, I figured I’d see you in person, but that didn’t happen. So congratulations!
February 29th, at 7:28 pm
As the writer of the piece, I would point out that it;s hardly possible to cover the entire sex blog subject in the alloted 700 words, so the surface is merely skimmed. If you email me and I’ll get the company mail you a copy. (The pic was kinda irritating. Just want the picture editor chose.)