Dirty Sexy Money

February 16th,

This is shaping up to be a great day. I slept a full eight hours, baked corn muffins for my coworkers, read a trashy Anita Blake novel, and walked around in the park with my coffee. Now I’m at the dungeon with new stockings and red lipstick. It’s the little things that enliven work on a Saturday.

Last night before bed, I sent off a preliminary “class” description for 2/25 at Conversio Virium, Columbia University’s BDSM discussion group:

Sex and money are a potent combination. From prostitution to financial domination, stripping to pornography, and mistresses to sugar daddies, the sex trade is rich with power, paradox and archetype. We’ll discuss venues for experimentation, risks and rewards — including how to indulge your fantasies without throwing away your partner, Columbia education, or a clean bill of health. Come talk about why money’s hot and how to play with it in roleplay and reality.

It’ll be very informal; I’d rather have a discussion than stand and talk, since I already have a blog for my egotism. I have tons of notes, some books and magazines to pass, and some hot story excerpts to read.  I’ll also post a resource list online if people want to read more after the class.

If you can’t tell, I’m really excited.  I think it will be such a kick to forget the moralizing, politics and daily grind to talk about the parts that get me hot!

I don’t like the line in the writeup about partners and education, but I wanted to make it sound accessible. Money isn’t all crime and sin.  (Never fear, though, it can always be that for you.)

13 Responses to “Dirty Sexy Money”

  1. 1 Dov
    February 16th, at 12:58 pm

    This sounds delightful

  2. 2 figleaf
    February 16th, at 1:52 pm

    Financial domination? When I first saw the words in your blurb I thought you were talking about classic old-school domestic relationships. But no! OMG! Not every day I get to discover a brand-new-to-me fetish!

    I’m still Googling around trying to track down what’s actually involved — a fair number of dominatrixes (sp?) seem to offer it but no clear explanation yet.

    Of course I suppose it could just be so obvious no explanation’s needed.

    Just one more of many reasons I’m glad you’re blogging, Calico.


  3. 3 axe
    February 16th, at 2:07 pm

    Yummy will there be corn muffins too?

  4. 4 Dov
    February 16th, at 3:12 pm

    I want Corn Muffins!!!!!!

  5. 5 figleaf
    February 17th, at 10:45 pm

    Hi Calico,

    Did my last comment get spam filtered? If is eh, it happens a lot since my real URL just sets those things off like crazy.

  6. 6 Calico
    February 18th, at 2:27 pm

    Figleaf - Whoa, it did. That’s never happened before — sorry about that!

    New to you? Crazy talk. To balance out what you’re finding on pro-dom sites, I recommend Bitchy Jones: “Paying My Due“, and “And everything would have worked out fine if I didn’t kink so hard for paying a man for sex”. I think she’s written a couple other things on it too.

  7. 7 Calico
    February 18th, at 2:31 pm

    And if we’re keeping it in the pro world, try this thread on Maxfisch, a pro and client oriented messageboard.

  8. 8 Maria
    February 18th, at 9:10 pm

    Oh, you win! I haven’t been to a CV meeting all year, but with a hook like that, how can I refuse?

  9. 9 Kylociraptor
    February 19th, at 3:03 pm

    It was really weird for me last night when you said that I could mention bootblack tips. I was like wait, that’s totally different. Or something.


  10. 10 hilz
    February 19th, at 6:23 pm

    Wish I could make it into the city for this. It sounds awesome!!!

    I hope you post about it!!


  11. 11 Nix
    February 21st, at 10:33 am

    Heh, heh!!!
    That sounds like so much fun :))
    Sadly, I’m in rehearsal.

    I need some new outlets for sin…

  12. 12 janeyruth
    February 22nd, at 1:37 am

    Yes, please! Do post about it!!


  13. 13 Boston Boy
    February 24th, at 4:57 pm

    Good luck! I wish I could be there, let me echo janeyruth on the please tell us how it goes front.

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