I Like To Hurt People
February 4th,Cue the lust of a thousand geeks:
[Edit: fixed so it actually links. Sorry guys!]
Cue the lust of a thousand geeks:
[Edit: fixed so it actually links. Sorry guys!]
When I realized the webcomic A Softer World has t-shirts, I began to hyperventilate:
This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week! Some folks tied up a turkey. And then photographed it all artsy in front of a tatami mat. OH MY GOD YES! I cannot type for the laughing.
I can’t figure out how to post photos from Flickr, so here’s the set.
It’s Thanksgiving, as […]
I suppose it was inevitable that I would sink to posting grainy webcam photos of my pussy…
…both of them.
Today’s foster kittens are fat and sassy! They are currently back in their carrier, since they are covered in milk, the little slobs.
To the dungeon today, one girl brought the four three-week-old kittens she’s fostering. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen pro-dommes in full regalia bottlefeeding kittens.
One, all black, had six toes. All were so small they fit in the palm of my hand.
See how heartrendingly adorable?