Archive for the 'intersec' Category

Travels Of All Sorts

June 7th,

Thanks to Always Aroused Girl, I’ve been Fleshbotted again! For your pleasure and perusal, here are all of Fleshbot’s favorites:
6/3/2008 The Luckiest Girl: I’m on the bottom.
12/18/2007 Feedback: I’m on top.
7/20/2007 You’re Eighteen…: I’m angsty!
5/29/2007 Are Pro-Dommes…: I’m defensive!
If you’d rather find me in the flesh, here’s my current summer schedule:
June 11-14th: I shoot […]


June 10th, 2007

I’m back from the farm. With excellent timing, I waited to get sick until I was climbing into the van to leave. I arrived home congested, feverish and oh-so-grateful the headcold had waited to strike until after all the fun dangling upside down.
Thankfully there were leftovers in the fridge: banana-coconut rice pudding I […]