Archive for the 'electricity' Category

Wired Pussy Live Audience

November 3rd, 2007

Ooh, looky what I found! This is a trailer for’s first live audience show. It happened on the Friday I was in town, so I asked if I could go.
“We’re all full.”
“Oh. Really? Please? No? Well, it was worth asking. If anything opens up…”
I had two days to […]

Do not mix and match

June 17th, 2007

Scene: Boy and I shopping for pillows online
Me: What’s so wrong with boyfriend pillows?
Boy, looking at Pretty Pretty Princess pillow: I don’t understand the world we live in.
Me: But you teach piss play, and own five stun guns.
Boy: Everyone’s gotta pee!


June 10th, 2007

I’m back from the farm. With excellent timing, I waited to get sick until I was climbing into the van to leave. I arrived home congested, feverish and oh-so-grateful the headcold had waited to strike until after all the fun dangling upside down.
Thankfully there were leftovers in the fridge: banana-coconut rice pudding I […]