October 16th, 2007I’ve put off the Folsom Street Fair post for far too long!
I arrived early with a crew from San Jose, by way of a ritzy leather-titleholder brunch at drag queen Donna Saschet’s.
The food was fantastic and the eye candy better, but I knew no one. I felt acutely that I had two ovaries too many. To make me feel better, my boyfriend made out with a boy.
We caught a cab (five of us!) and made our way to Folsom Street.
As the crowd thickened, I spent a good couple of hours in Mark Chester’s studio. There is no stopping Lolita when she’s got a mind to cane someone.
On the street, we ran into Monk and Alex of Twisted Monk. “Lolita!” said Monk. “Monk!” said Lolita. “I’ll take a picture, shall I?” I said, and did.
He was very nice to me, as if he weren’t being accosted by some strange fangirl in pink latex who happens to stalkerishly read his blog.
When I finally split ways with the crew around four, I was determined to have some adventure of my own. Through the rapidly swelling crowd, I was tracking two friends via text message. One had an apartment on Folsom, at which I hoped to find a party, and the other was my date for the night.
Within minutes of each other, I received the following text messages:
Friend: Hey, so sorry, met cute boy who liked my feet. Have emerged from alley, back soon. ($address) Call me if you have problems getting in.
Date: Hey, I found a place to be. ($sameaddress) Meet me there?
“Oh NO!” I said out loud. To myself, I thought: how could I sleep with them both and never know they were into feet?
My case of worldshrink eased only slightly when I arrived and made introductions. What odd synchronicity! They were strangers, but knew different roommates from time spent on the east coast.
“He gave me my first real spanking,” I explained of my friend to my evening’s date. “We had a thing, for a while. I suspect he’s more submissive than he thinks he is.”
“Submissive? I can get along with that.” They made out.
Oh, I know you can, I thought, and then, The two of you would probably kill me. I pretended to ignore him and helped myself to a drink. We all dangled our legs off the apartment’s balcony (a balcony! on FOLSOM!) and watched the melee below. Just out of sight, hidden in a mob of half-dressed men, a man on the ground was being pissed on.
In front of us an abnormally suntanned man, naked but for his sneakers, posed and stroked himself. No picture, but I hear that if you live in San Francisco, you’ll see him eventually.
Oddly, people were taking pictures of us. We tried to enforce a flash-per-photo rule (”That’s some nice equipment there! If you want to use it, you have to show us your equipment — your other equipment!”), which was moderately successful, and much moreso with the megaphone.
A naked woman, blindfolded and tied in red rope, made her way below us through the mob. To my surprise, I recognized the man holding the ends of the rope like a leash. “Hey!” I yelled, although it was useless without the megaphone. My balconymates looked at me in confusion. “I know him,” I said. “He’s the webmaster for a bondage site. I shot for him on Thursday.”
“Ah,” they said. Clearly, naked women impress no one when there is naked gay Twister.
Or maybe they were looking at these two:
I know I was.
Of course, I can’t forget the owner of this pair of rubber pants. But that will have to be the other half of the story — more’s the pity, I’ll have to switch to text.
October 16th, 2007 at 9:25 pm
My favorite part of this whole entry:
You even italicized it! You have just earned so many more points in my book.
October 17th, 2007 at 8:56 am
Calico, you should have seen him when he read that part of the entry. I can best describe it as “Reading, reading, reading, uhuh, reading, reading, PUPPY!”
October 17th, 2007 at 1:01 pm
Charmed to meet you too! Great photos BTW, thanks for sending them along.
October 18th, 2007 at 10:16 am
I never knew you had this blog. Thanks to Lolita for directing me here!
Glad you had a breat time at Folsom. One of these days I hope to make it there!
October 18th, 2007 at 12:51 pm
I so have to get there one of these years
October 18th, 2007 at 7:38 pm
This makes Folsom East sound like a child’s tea party.
Sorry. It’s just, um. With the stalkerishly reading his blog. And, um, things.
October 19th, 2007 at 4:04 am
I laughed my butt off reading this! Thank you.
Someday I’ll get to go, too.