Archive for the 'watersports' Category


October 16th, 2007

I’ve put off the Folsom Street Fair post for far too long!
I arrived early with a crew from San Jose, by way of a ritzy leather-titleholder brunch at drag queen Donna Saschet’s.

The food was fantastic and the eye candy better, but I knew no one. I felt acutely that I had two ovaries too […]

Filth and Sin

July 20th, 2007

We’re all guilty of alcohol abuse.
I tend toward baby wipes, since isopropyl dries my skin, but no matter. Anytime a session ends, we start to wash: the rooms of course, but ourselves, too.
Don’t get that sin on you, I like to joke. It stains, you know.
Sometimes I silently watch a client scrubbing his […]

Do not mix and match

June 17th, 2007

Scene: Boy and I shopping for pillows online
Me: What’s so wrong with boyfriend pillows?
Boy, looking at Pretty Pretty Princess pillow: I don’t understand the world we live in.
Me: But you teach piss play, and own five stun guns.
Boy: Everyone’s gotta pee!