Thuggin’ It Up

September 4th,

A client gave me a pair of sap gloves last week.  I might have cooed. If you ever feel insufficiently mighty, try putting eight ounces of steel shot in each hand.

He didn’t realize how appropriate a gift it was: I’ve wanted a pair of them for a while. I get plenty of subservience, but sometimes I just want to force someone. Have the option of hurting him when he can’t, or won’t, hold still.

That’s really hard for a girl my size. I don’t mind some good-natured tussling, but I’m no trained martial artist. Opening up to a full-fledged struggle includes the possibility that I might lose. I don’t like to lose. Thus, my interest in handcuffs and stun guns and all manner of LE tools.

My ex had a pair of sap gloves that I loved. They were sized for a man’s hands, of course, not that the size disparity kept me from trying to box with the floppy things. At the time, my usual Paddles kit consisted of the borrowed sap gloves, my signal whip, a 15″ piece of rope, a length of parachute cord, and a handful of clothespins. Oh, and if you want to count what I was wearing, a pair of jump boots. It may not have been dominatrix gear but I could inflict some serious damage with that stuff.

I’d almost given up on finding my own pair to fit. What a delightful surprise! I look forward to much face-slapping, punching, spanking fun. And doubtless, better-toned shoulders.

6 Responses to “Thuggin’ It Up”

  1. 1 Boston Boy
    September 4th, at 3:43 pm

    I like the image of you with a utility belt of gadgets designed to even the odds. And as a thug.

  2. 2 axe
    September 4th, at 3:56 pm

    My diabolical plan is coming together nicely.

    Now I only need to make you angry enough to use them!!

  3. 3 Jon
    September 4th, at 10:47 pm

    Sap gloves are awesome. The only time I’ve ever been really knocked back by a punch to the chest is by those gloves.

    Will you be demonstrating their use at TES?

  4. 4 Kitty
    September 8th, at 2:03 am

    Ooh! How clever. I’ll have to add that to my list of kit- vet wrap is also going up there after seeing Chanta’s use of the stuff- quick and easy. Oh, and zip ties.. hehe!

  5. 5 nyghtowl
    September 8th, at 7:19 am

    congratulations and welcome to tha thug nation


  6. 6 Cino
    September 16th, at 2:09 pm

    That sounds awesome!

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