Porn FAQs: 4 (Enemas & Anal Sex)

August 20th,

This is more of an Enemas 101 than a proper porn question. The question “How do you prep for anal sex in porn?” gets a one-word answer: “Enema”. I have heard about girls fasting, ostensibly to delay the natural progression of things, but (she says over her chicken and mushroom couscous) I can’t tell you anything about it.

Of course you do not need to have an enema to have anal sex, in the same way that women don’t need to remove their pubic hair to fuck. Lots of things are different in the porn world. Not necessarily better.

Enemas are easiest with a partner. I’m biased as to the added fun, but it can be awkward to stick things up one’s own ass, not to mention manipulate those things in complicated ways. It’s up to you whether you prefer help or privacy.

Enemas are not actually painful or scary. They’re just weird. Your body may not know quite what to do about them. Especially the first few times, try to plan your enema about three hours before any hot anal action. Supposedly the time allows the mucous lining of the colon to regenerate. On a less theoretical note, if you misjudged how done you were in the bathroom, you’ll have time to correct it.

Some people like to do a series of enemas, until the water comes out clear. Some people prefer to do just one. You can figure out what you feel best about.

Without further ado, your simplest options:

1. The Fleet enema.

If you have ever medically needed an enema, this was probably the drugstore choice du jour. (I’m guessing here: enemas were not a part of my childhood as in many erotic-enema stories, not even remotely.) It’s quick-acting and effective, but it gets its efficacy from the sodium phosphate more than the volume of water. The urgency is not sexy to me. Sometimes it causes cramps. I find it can be irritating to one’s insides. It’s like the ipecac syrup of enemas.

If you’re going to use a Fleet, try dumping out the solution and refilling it with warm water. In a pinch, you can refill it and use it several times for more volume.

2. The Anal Douche.

I own this one, but this one looks like way more fun.

I think it’s a horrid name for a decent product. The word “douche” will never sound fun to me. Vaginal douches have largely fallen out of favor, and for good reason: they have no medical use, serve nothing but socially-instilled insecurities about genital cleanliness and odor, and promote all sorts of nasty infections. Besides the odd appearance in porn shoot bathrooms (why?!), douches survive mostly as a pejorative term.

This device holds more water than a Fleet bottle, meaning you don’t have to fill and reinsert it. However, even more than a Fleet, it is likely to push air in along with the water. Air takes longer to work its way out, and can be really uncomfortable during anal sex.

These are quite stiff to squeeze, and consequently, the temptation is to squish them hard and fast. Your partner will be unhappy. If you are doing it yourself, you may have trouble applying enough pressure, or keeping it as you withdraw. Remember, if you squeeze it, it’s an enema; if you let it reinflate, it’s an oversized bulb syringe. Don’t do that to yourself.

Mine is OK, I guess, but I’d rather use it on someone else.

3. Enema Bag

As basic as it gets. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of mine. I don’t like how the tube has to be crammed onto the bag and the tip onto the tube, but otherwise it’s a quality product for an absolute steal of a price.

I geek about enema kits, a bit. Someone at L’Oeil Cache has a hot pink bag and I am desperately jealous. For me it’s all about the tubes and valves and widgets, not to mention the endless variety of nozzles for creative play. It’s the kind of gadget you can hack without a degree in electrical engineering.

The basic idea: you put your water in the bag, insert the end of the tubing, and then lift the bag above you. Gravity does the rest of the work. Sure, you can get one of those IV racks that are totally sexy, but let’s be practical: doorknobs. Or if you’re in the tub, there’s probably a bar to hang it on. Aim for about a foot above your butt.

DON’T LOSE THE TUBE CLAMP. If the water pressure is right, you shouldn’t feel anything at all. But you will inevitably misestimate the height of your hotel room/trick/studio’s doorknob, and pinching the tube does not always stop the flow. Sans clamp, you will probably try to react one of two ways: yanking the bag down below you, or pulling the tube out. I really don’t advise the first, because the water (and its cargo!) will happily flow right back into your bag, nor can I recommend the second, which will shower your bathroom in bag water. And whatever you do, do not make these mistakes in the order I list them.

See why I say the clamp is a good idea?

If you use just a little bit of water, you’ll find it just as simple as the squeeze bottles. If you like to use more water, you’ll find it simpler than squeeze bottles because you can just lay there instead of refilling it a billion times. I think it’s the easiest to use, but it’s also the easiest to fuck up. Remember to go slowly, and if you feel too much pressure, to put on the tube clamp and wait 30-60 seconds for the sensation to subside.

All of these clean up nicely with soap and water and the occasional bath in bleach solution.

Enemas can be a lot of work for no reward (see also: waxing). Thankfully, I like thinking about how I can pervert them. If only I could get as into waxing.

8 Responses to “Porn FAQs: 4 (Enemas & Anal Sex)”

  1. 1 SW
    August 20th, at 11:29 pm

    So educational! All of this info is defninitely useful to my partner.

  2. 2 Mark
    August 21st, at 3:46 am

    That was a very good overview of enemas. I am not an enema fan, I just do them before sessions to spare both myself and the mistress the unpleasantness of my not being “squeaky clean” as one mistress put.

    One thing I would say about the bag - and I agree they are best - is that you should let the water run out of the tube before you insert it. Sort of like the way they always squirt a little out of a syringe before injecting. I found I had a lot of painful cramping before I learned to do this as the air trapped in the tube was being forced into me by the pressure of the water above.

  3. 3 nyugirlintown
    August 21st, at 3:58 pm

    2b. Sports water bottle (a pliable one, for obvious reasons).

    About two hours pre-sex, you take the bottle and fill it completely with warmish water. Standing in the bathtub, insert the tip and squeeze gently. In a few minutes, you’ll start feeling slightly bathroom-ish (no cramping), and that’s it. I repeat until the water’s clear, but that’s only two or maybe three times.

    Unlike enemas, there’s no messing with tubes or equipment or heights, and it’s an improvement on the anal douche because the sports water bottle can’t act as a syringe — and because you can take it apart, wash it, and leave it to dry in the bathroom without causing your roommates to draw awkward conclusions. And yup, it works just as well; I’ve never had the slightest incident (although maybe I shouldn’t admit that “never” only dates back to January).

    It’s a straightforward, simple solution — which is great in my case, since it’s not any fun for me, just a means to an end. So if enema play is someone’s bag, something this utilitarian might not be the best choice.

  4. 4 Adrian Hardhand
    August 22nd, at 2:03 pm

    Hello Calico

    I like your detailed description of enema possibilities. However there are two other procedures that are worth mentioning: Colonics, and shallow douches.

    Colonics are administered by experienced people with the right equipment. Typically they cost 50 or 60 bucks. This is deep cleansing. One removes one’s nether garments, lies on a table, and a large nozzle is inserted into the arsehole. Quite a large quantity of water is allowed to flow into the rectum & bowel, then the pressure is removed and the water & wastes are allowed to flow out. This procedure is repeated several times. When the operator says “Done” be prepared to head for the toilet, there’s always residual water that needs to be expelled. My acupuncturist recommends having a colonic at the change of the seasons.

    Then there’s the shallow douche, which is intended to cleanse just the rectum, that is, the short length of gut between arsehole and another sphincter which connects rectum to bowel. Prepare the hot-water-bottle-shaped enema bag with lukewarm water, and insert nozzle in arsehole as usual. But allow only a small quantity of water to enter, between a half-cup and a full cup. The idea is to cleanse residual wastes from the rectum ONLY. We don’t want the water to enter the bowel. Expel the water, and repeat a second time.

    Yrs in pervery, Adrian

  5. 5 Calico
    August 22nd, at 3:38 pm

    @ nyugirl: The water bottle is a great idea for times when you don’t have equipment. Just don’t buy one from the refrigerated case, eh? As for deniability: my roommates read my blog, so it may be a lost cause. :)

    @ Adrian: Isn’t paying someone to give you a colonic a little overkill when you just want to get fucked in the ass?

    #1 and 2 are both douches. A Fleet has something like 4.5 ounces of liquid.

  6. 6 SJ
    August 22nd, at 4:25 pm

    You mention waxing. I recently helped a friend of mine get sugared. It’s exactly like waxing, but uses a hot honey-based product. Apparently the honey doesn’t adhere to skin oils, making the process easier on the skin. The heat and the hair removal were still enough to give her a really good high, though.

    That said, it does seem like the alt sex community and the porn stars are keeping the laser hair removal business in the black.

  7. 7 Calico
    August 22nd, at 6:46 pm

    I hear honeying is gentler than waxing. Never tried. But I just found an amazing waxing place near Midtown (J’Aime Day Spa) that gave me the least painful (and inexpensive!) wax I’ve ever had.

    Do you really think it’s the alt sex community in particular? I think non-kinky people shave/wax just as much. We are all exposed to porn and that particular standard of beauty.

  8. 8 Adrian Hardhand
    August 22nd, at 8:20 pm

    Hello Calico

    I agree, paying for a cleanup may well be overkill when one is simply preparing for an arsefuck. I simply wanted to make sure that all cleanout methods were covered. I’m *considerably* older than you. At your age I had no idea that such a thing existed. But with the passage of time, they were explained to me. Now, I find a colonic a good way to prevent toxins from accumulating in the body. a womanfriend told me she felt *much* lighter after a colonic, with the kidneys no longer under pressure.

    Yrs in perevery, Adrian

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